Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, May 12, 2013
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Bob Southworth, Val Lester (Treasurer)
Silent Worship
Reviewed April Minutes.
Quaker Practice in Action. We thank Val for participating in the Crop Walk on behalf of the Meeting last week, raising money to feed the poor.
Finance Committee/Treasurer's Report. Val reported that Will Ksander is willing to do the audit for 2011/12 and for 2012/13. Work on the budget will happen after the new committee clerks create their budgets.
Year-to-date income is $10,430 and expenses are $9771. If we give all the donations recommended by the Peace & Justice Committee last fall, expenses will be $10,371, still below our income. We approved making all the recommended donations.
Ministry & Care Committee. The Arrangements Committee for Kelly & Rick's wedding plan to meet at the Morton Arboretum on June 6. A gift card was purchased for an expectant mother who grew up in our Meeting. Val reported that she saw Neal recently; he is planning on going to college and he volunteers at Hephzibah House.
Adult Religious Education Committee. All are invited to bring a bag lunch on July 7 to take to the Garfield Park Conservatory and walk the labyrinth. Children are welcome to attend as well.
Children's Religious Education Committee. No report.
Peace & Justice Committee. No report.
Nominating Committee. Bob presented a written report. They are still seeking a Recording Clerk and Children's/Teen Religious Education Clerk. We understand the lack of enthusiasm for this work when there are seldom any children here. We are small in number and often double up on all the other work that needs to be done. We have faith that if children start to attend, Way will open.
New Business. State of society report. We reviewed the draft report. The last sentence of the second paragraph was changed to: With few children attending, we made materials available in the meeting room on most First Days, and planned a First Day School program for the third First Day of each month. The last paragraph is deleted. "We are taking a new marriage under our care" instead of the draft wording. The second paragraph is now the first paragraph. Add the marriage sentence to the M&C paragraph.
Old Business. We decided to not participate in A Day in Our Village this year.
Announcements. None.
These minutes were approved.
Silent Worship.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson
Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, April 14, 2013
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Sue Beckman, Kelly Maynard
Silent Worship
We reviewed the March Minutes.
Quaker Practice in Action Moment. We remember sadly Anne Smedinghoff, a 25-year-old River Forest native who was killed in an attack in Afghanistan while returning from delivering books to a school. She was an officer in the U.S. Foreign Service. We also honor the White Rose Catholic Workers who did a 7-day fast to raise awareness of the Guantanamo Bay Prisoners of War who have been fasting.
Finance Committee. No report.
Ministry & Care Committee. The Committee met on April 7. No decisions were made. Kelly's wedding Arrangements Committee: Sarah (committee clerk) is trying to organize a committee meeting at the Morton Arboretum (wedding site), but that may not be possible. She will contact committee members.
Children's Religious Education Committee. No report.
Adult Religious Education Committee. See written report here. Neither Cossy nor Kelly will be available on 5/5. If you want to do a program on that day, please contact Kelly.
They are planning a field trip to a local labyrinth, probably the one at the Garfield Park Conservatory, for July 7. We would each bring a bag lunch to eat at the Monet Garden, then do the labyrinth. The Meeting approved this plan. They were asked to make available the names and locations of any labyrinths that they have found, so people can use them at other times.
Peace & Justice Committee. Kelly read this report. Judy reported on a protest she attended on 4/6 on Boeing Corporation's development & manufacture of drone aircraft. Drones are used for remote control assassinations, with no accountability for who is killed. Sometimes innocent civilians are killed.
State of Society Report. Here is a draft report. It will be presented at the May business meeting for changes & the Meeting will be asked to approve a final version.
A Day in our Village (6/2/13). Some people who have done this in past years are not available on 6/2. Judy will get information on the deadline & cost for registering, and bring it to the next Meeting for Worship (4/21).
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, March 10, 2013
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Val Lester (Treasurer), Cossy Ksander, Sarah Shirk, Kelly Maynard
Silent worship
We reviewed the February Minutes.
Quaker Practice in Action. A visitor, Erica, spoke today about doing a documentary called "Journey of Hope." It is an example of the power of forgiveness, which is stronger than the power of revenge.
Finance Committee. Val presented the Treasurers Report. In Feb our income was $281, and our expenses were $966 (including a quarterly payment to ILYM). YTD we are about where she expected us to be in relation to the budget. She proposed for our Meeting to give $50 to each of the organizations for which we had budgeted a donation for this year, except those to which we have already made (earmarked) donations this year. The total of suggested donations is $600. Friends approved this suggestion. We acknowledge all the friends/attenders who generously gave earmarked contributions to facilitate our ability to live within our budget while still making contributions to worthy organizations. Val expressed appreciation for the harmonious way we have engaged in these discussions in the spirit of good Quaker practice this year.
Ministry & Care Committee. We discussed whether to take Kelly & Rick's upcoming marriage under the care of our Meeting. Last Fall we had a Clearness Committee to help the couple season their decision to marry. We have formed an Arrangements Committee to help them plan their wedding. We talked about ways in which we can care for their marriage, such as keeping them informed about Quaker couple enrichment events, and asking the M&C Committee to check in with them periodically. We approve taking this marriage under the care of this Meeting.
Kelly expressed gratitude from Rick and herself for the help various individuals have given to them. Rick has learned a lot about Quakerism as a result. It is also great for them to know how much we care about them.
Invitations to their wedding shower have gone out. Kelly mentioned that in addition to the suggested registries, donations can be made to PADS in lieu of a gift. She will talk to PADS about how to set this up so she can send acknowledgements.
Children's Religious Education Committee. Sarah reported that there was a good group for Les Miserables. They do not need any additional reimbursement. Ten attended together.
Adult Religious Education Committee. Kelly facilitated a discussion about the stewardship of Meeting's finances last week, that Cossy helped to prepare. Cossy & Kelly will work on a presentation on Vocal Ministry for the April event. They invite anyone from M&C to talk with them about this.
Peace & Justice Committee. No report. (They did not meet in February.) The next meeting will be on March 24th.
Nominating Committee. They have met once and will meet again tomorrow evening. They have started making phone calls. They asked about finding people for Childrens Religious Ed, Peace & Justice, & Crop Walk Coordinator. Val shared insight from her experiences on Nominating Committee.
The Committee Reports were approved.
New Business. We need a volunteer to write a State of Society report. Val reports that the March 29th PADS dinner is being organized, and it is coming together quite well.
Silent worship.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Feb. 10, 2013 Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Pam Timme, Sarah Shirk
Silent Worship
Reviewed January Minutes.
Quaker Practice in Action. We remembered Phil Wagreich's contributions to the meeting over many years. He was our Treasurer and member of the Finance Committee. He shared his gifts as a teacher and writer of school mathematics textbooks, which were highly respected. He and his family enthusiastically participated in our PADS dinner services throughout the years. We will miss his kind and gentle presence.
Finance Committee/Treasurer's Report. For January, income was $610 and expenses were $812; year-to-date income was $7,567 & ytd expenses were $7,075. In February Val paid the third quarterly payment to ILYM. She made contributions to those organizations for which someone earmarked a contribution.
There is a need for more funds in the Children's RE Committee budget (for the field trip to Les Miserables at OPRFHS), and Judy does not anticipate spending $200 for the Library. So we were led to add $50 to Children's RE and deduct $50 from the Library budgets, with no net change to the overall budget. The Children's RE Committee expressed gratitude to the Library Committee.
Ministry & Care Committee. They have met regularly and discussed issues, including ideas about explaining and encouraging vocal ministry.
Children's Religious Education Committee. Eight tickets (number requested to date) will be purchased for the 2/24 matinee performance of Les Miserables. People are to meet in the lobby at 2:45 for a 3:00 showtime. Sarah will communicate with people via email about how to get their tickets.
People have not been signing up to help with the children on First Days, if needed. Children have not attended in a while, but the Committee remains concerned about being ready. The Committee will present formal programs on 2/17 and 3/17.
Adult Religious Education Committee. Helen read a report from Kelly, as follows.
Joan Pine of Evanston Friends Meeting sojourned with us last week and gave an informative presentation on ways to become more welcoming. We thank her for her ideas. Afterwards Kelly took her and Mary Theis to lunch at Grape Leaves where we spent some time getting to know each other. Some things we could fairly easily implement are procuring a large readable sandwich board sign we can place outside for car traffic to read about us on Sunday mornings. Another idea is to get listed on their area church services information sheet with some of the local hotels.
As requested by the Meeting, Cossy and I have met and prepared a session for March to reflect on queries about finances and stewardship.
Peace & Justice Committee. Kelly submitted the following written report.
We did not meet because of the Eagle Watch. Kelly hopes to have a letter to the editor written by the March 23 meeting for Friends to read and critique.
Nominating Committee. No report.
These committee reports were approved.
New Business. None
Old Business. Helen, Val, Jim, Donna, and Bob Cordova went on the Eagle Watch. We are grateful to Val for scheduling this event.
Announcements. The Memorial Service for Phil Wagreich is being held today. On 2/22 the Empty Bowls Project will be held at OPRFHS. This is a fundraiser for supporting community hunger programs.
These Minutes were approved with gratitude.
Silent Worship.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, 1/13/2013
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Valerie Lester (Treasurer), Sarah Shirk, Kelly Maynard, Ann Chase
Silent Worship.
Reviewed December Minutes.
Quaker Practice in Action. Kelly spoke about the peace group called the White Rose Catholic Workers. This group protests the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. She also commends the lawyers who spend thousands of their own dollars to overcome many administrative hurdles to try to represent these prisoners.
Finance Committee/Treasurer. Val presented the Treasurer's Report dated 1/12/2013. She gave a long-term view of our year-to-date versus budgeted income & expenses. She also brought suggestions about better supporting the Oak Park Art League (OPAL). Kelly offered to write a message for the newsletter encouraging people to join OPAL as members, as a way to support both our Meeting and OPAL. We will hold over the decision about contributions, and will season this decision in the context of long-term planning for the reserves at a future Adult Religious Education session. This session is to be held before April.
Ministry & Care Committee. We considered a response to the death of Phil Wagreich on New Year's Day. The transfer of membership for Jeffrey Moore from his Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, has been postponed due to the death of his mother. An update on plans for Kelly & Rick's wedding: They are selecting an Arrangements Committee.
Adult Religious Education Committee. Judy E. led a session on 1/6 called "Peace Work: Rebuilding a Wounded World Together" (based on the article entitled Frozen in Time: Escaping the Victim-Abuser-Rescuer Triangle by Laura Shipler Chico). February & March will be on welcoming attenders (to be led by Joan Pine) and on stewardship of the Meeting's resources. Cossy & Kelly will meet this week to plan the April & May sessions.
Children's Religious Education. There is a new Field Trip idea, to attend a production of Les Miserables at OPRFHS. This play, based on a novel by Victor Hugo, focuses on the theme of redemption. We expressed support of this idea. The Committee will finalize the date and announce it in the email calendar.
Peace & Justice Committee. There was no meeting in December and the January meeting has been cancelled. The fourth Sunday of January has too many scheduling conflicts.
Naming Committee. Cossy has agreed to be on the Nominating Committee. Bob Southworth & John Muhlenberg have agreed to stay on the Nominating Committee. Val is working on descriptions of the positions needed by the Meeting. She will start with the table composed by Helen a few years ago.
New Business. Judy read a letter from the Clerk of ILYM requesting input from each Meeting about the timing of ILYM annual sessions. (It used to be during late July/early August, now is during the third week of June.) ILYM wants to evaluate the timing in lieu of the past few years' experience with the change. Judy & Sarah will compose a set of questions to assist with personal interviews of all active attenders at OPFM.
Old Business. Val once again is coordinating an Eagle Watch trip to Starved Rock State Park the last weekend of January.
These Minutes were approved.
Silent Worship.
Respectfully Submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, December 9, 2012
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Ann Chase, Kelly Maynard, Valerie Lester (Treasurer), Sarah Shirk
We reviewed the November Minutes.
QUAKER PRACTICE IN ACTION. The workshop on Grieving, given last Sunday by Cossy & Kelly, touched many people in healing ways.
TREASURER'S REPORT. We have spent a little more than $200 over our income. About half of our recommended assessment to ILYM has now been made.
MINISTRY & CARE COMMITTEE. Plans for Kelly's and Rick's wedding are moving ahead. They will select an Arrangements Committee to assist them with details surrounding the ceremony as their June date approaches.
We've received a transfer of membership request for Jeffrey Moore from Madison Monthly Meeting in Wisconsin. We reviewed the process for transferring membership and clearness committees for membership. We are reminded to be both sensitive and clear in our communications.
We continue to hold our members and attenders in the Light.
CHILDREN'S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. The committee sets up a part of the table with children's activities and books, so any children who drop in can be directed to it.
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. The workshop on Grief and Grieving was well attended. Cossy & Kelly will meet in early January to plan the events of the next few months. A suggestion was made to again include parts of events that help us get to know each other better, such as the exercise given at the beginning of the Grief workshop. Another suggested that this workshop be given again next year. Judy is working on the January program which centers on an article from Peaceways. Helen offered to print up some copies.
PEACE & JUSTICE COMMITTEE. The last two meetings have been reflective on what we are doing. Kelly is working on letters to the editor with two themes. One theme is "with rights come responsibilities," and the other theme deals with the hidden nature of Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Kelly requests suggestions for actions and comments. Val mentioned that the January (Annual Meeting) of the Community of Congregations will feature two speakers, one Jewish and one Muslim. She wonders whether we should provide informational materials from AFSC at this meeting. Helen suggested that we don't forget environmental issues. In the December newsletter Adrian requested that people sign an environmental petition, the text of which is included in the newsletter. The next Committee meeting is Dec. 23rd.
NEW BUSINESS. Val is organizing another Eagle Watch trip to Starved Rock State Park. We can attend the festivities at the Park on 1/26, then go on to the Clear Creek House in McNabb for a potluck dinner and overnight. We can worship with Clear Creek Friends on Sunday morning. More information will be announced at Meeting as it becomes available.
Joan Pine offered to lead a workshop on how to welcome newcomers to the Meeting. We also could be better at caring for the people who do come somewhat regularly. We decided that we would like to do this, but are not ready to schedule it. It could be presented as an Adult RE program, or during potluck. Helen was asked to contact Joan about scheduling.
An objection was made to reading the queries in the middle of worship, which we do once a month when there is a business meeting. Sometimes they are printed up as a handout, but there is ambiguity about how many to print and what to do with them when it is over. Helen read them today near the beginning of worship. It may be helpful to newcomers. Helen will continue to read them as she did today.
OLD BUSINESS. The November 30th PADS dinner and the Holiday Gift Basket program has been successfully completed. Thanks to all who participated.
We asked Helen to find another member for the Naming Committee.
These Minutes were approved.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, November 11, 2012
IN ATTENDANCE: Helen Dickinson (clerk), Sue Beckman (temporary recording clerk), Ann Chase, Sarah Shirk, Cossy Ksander, Pam Timme
The October Minutes were reviewed.
QUAKER PRACTICE IN ACTION: The recent election was with some verbal/virtual violence but very little physical violence.
Cossy reported that Muhammad A. Salah is no longer a "specially designated terrorist".
Oct income= $1062, Expenses= $383
YTD Income=$3896, Expenses $4151.
MINISTRY & CARE COMMITTEE: The committee is continuing to work with members and attenders who have come to them with needs.
REVIEW DIRECTION OF THE MEETING NOTES: Ministry and Care to follow up on the suggestion of continuing to send a welcome note to new attenders.
The notes from the meeting will be put in the next newsletter.
CHILDREN'S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Eve Kusimba has expressed an interest in assisting with child care with adult supervision.
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. The December 2nd session will be a 2 hour class concerning grief led by Kelly and Cossy.
In January Judy will lead a discussion of an article about peacemaking written by Laura Chico while she lived in Rwanda as an AGLI volunteer.
PEACE & JUSTICE: no report
NEW BUSINESS: OPFM will sponsor 4 individuals for the Holiday Gift & Food Basket program.
December potluck will be at OPAL on the 3rd Sunday.
Helen offered to serve on the Naming Committee. It is uncertain today how many new members are needed for this committee this year.
We have 2 copies of "Forty Days of Prayer" which Judy (not in attendance today) brought from the recent Chicagoland Friends Gathering.
OLD BUSINESS: PADS dinner plans for this month are proceeding.
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business, October 14, 2012
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Pam Timme, Cossy Ksander, Kelly Maynard, Valerie Lester (Treasurer)
Reviewed September Minutes.
QUAKER PRACTICE IN ACTION. We discussed the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union, and hope that this area that has known many wars will continue to work together in peace.
TREASURER'S REPORT. Val presented the Treasurers Report. A donation was made to OPFM that was earmarked for Quaker Earthcare Witness, and that donation was sent to QEW. We decided to wait until the January business meeting to make decisions about contributions to other organizations, when we will have more data on how much income is coming in. In January we can approve the contributions as articulated last month, or we can ask P&J to discern how to allocate a different amount.
MINISTRY & CARE COMMITTEE. Pam reported that Burke has resigned from the Committee. We thank him for his years of faithful and fruitful service on this Committee. She mentioned some topics that they plan to bring to the DOM meeting, and other topics the M&C Committee discussed. Queries for the DOM meeting will be written to address fostering community within the Meeting. The M&C Committee also discussed keeping in touch with members & attenders, and discussed the recommendations of the Children's Religious Education Committee meeting.
Val reported that OPAL has agreed to let us use the gallery & kitchen until 2 pm for the DOM meeting. If we need a separate space for the children we may use only the small room upstairs. It was suggested that the children remain with the adults for this meeting. We need an easel, large pads & markers. Val will bring a flip chart & markers. Val also offered to bring her electronic tablet for recording the proceedings.
CHILDREN'S RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Pam read a report on the CRE meeting that happened on Judy's porch on 9/9/12. A new program was outlined that would involve more adults than those on the CRE Committee, who have struggled to meet the needs of all parents and children who may attend. There is a Quaker Oats carton with toys that can be used. We need to thoroughly communicate whatever programming decisions we make, and we need a protocol for greeters that includes relevant information.
We approved the recommendations from the report. This decision includes not hiring another provider, providing religious education to children on the third Sunday of each month, and on other days asking for volunteers from the meeting to do child care. If there are no volunteers the children will remain in the gallery with quiet toys. We need new sign-up sheets & a clipboard, and more materials for the Quaker Oats carton.
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COMMITTEE. Kelly reported that she and Cossy met and planned the following schedule for the next several months:
10/7 Cossy led a "healing touch" session.
11/4 Kelly will lead a discussion on Islam.
12/2 Cossy and Kelly will facilitate a 2-hour workshop on grieving. Val has arranged with OPAL for us to use the gallery & kitchen until 2:00, and the small room upstairs may be used by a children's group. This workshop will be in lieu of a berievement study group that was mentioned last month.
1/6/13 Judy will lead a discussion of an article about peacemaking written by Laura Chico while she lived in Rwanda as an AGLI volunteer ("Frozen In Time: Escaping the Victim-Abuser-Rescuer Triangle")
PEACE & JUSTICE COMMITTEE. Kelly presented a proposed minute to support the AFSC joining a lawsuit related to First Amendment Rights related to the "Specially Designated Terrorist" label. We approve this Minute, noting that by this decision we are not supporting any particular individual who has been assigned this label. We will send this statement to AFSC. Here is the minute we approved.
The Oak Park Friends Meeting (OPFM) supports the September 5th action by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in which they joined a lawsuit challenging the federal government's restrictions on their First Amendment rights to engage in "coordinated advocacy" with Muhammad A. Salah.
Salah, a U.S. citizen living in Bridgeview, is currently labeled a "Specially Designated Terrorist" by the U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control. Once an individual is so labeled, any person or organization is prohibited from engaging in coordinated speech with him, even if only to express concerns about the government's conduct. (We note that we are not supporting any particular individual who has been assigned this label.) The suit which AFSC joined challenges the government's power to impose arbitrary restrictions on their First Amendment rights to follow their conscience and raise public awareness about government actions they believe to be unjust. AFSC considered this appeal to the courts necessary to uphold their First Amendment rights to advocate on matters of conscience.
OPFM supports the AFSC decision to join such a suit because we believe the details of the Specially Designated Terrorist label violate basic civil rights and liberties, not only of the person so labeled, but also of any citizen daring to discuss the case. Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of justice which allows the least in our society to speak truth to power.
The Committee reports were approved.
NEW BUSINESS. Val reported on the Holiday Gift Basket service project. Sue & Sarah are coordinating it. We decided to bring the subject of the Christmas potluck to the DOM meeting. Helen agreed to contact Adrian, who is writing up the queries for the DOM meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Sept 9, 2012 Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Valerie Lester (Treasurer), Kelly Maynard, Heidi & Mary Pikul, Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Sue Beckman, Pam Timme
Silent Worship
Reviewed July Minutes. (There was no August business meeting.)
Quaker Practice in Action. We thought gratefully about the efforts of all who participate in the varied activities of the Meeting.
Nominating Committee. There at two new positions to fill: Phil Wagreich is willing to do the audit for 2011/2012, and Christina Timme is willing to be Co-Coordinator of PADS dinners (to work with Val). These nominations were gratefully approved.
Finance Committee. Val presented the Treasurer's Report. We spent a little less last year than came in as income. This year's budget was discussed. If these projections prove accurate we will be spending about $500 more than income. We can afford this budget. We wonder whether there is a less expensive alternative for phone service that is publishable and accessible to a variety of phone answerers. Mary offered to look at web based alternatives. This budget (excluding donations to other organizations) was gratefully approved.
Kelly presented the recommendations from the Peace & Justice Committee for donations to other organizations. If approved, these recommendations would result in spending $355 less than was spent on last year's donations. We approved the suggested changes to the DUES sections. We approved holding over the CONTRIBUTIONS section until the October meeting.
We need to be mindful of communicating any changes in financial decisions to the Treasurer in a timely way.
Ministry & Care Committee. Our Direction of the Meeting meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 21st. Judy Wolicki can attend; Joan Pine cannot attend. Val will ask OPAL if we can use the whole building, or at least the kitchen and gallery, until 2:00. It will be a potluck. We asked M&C to create the program, reaching out to Judy Wolicki if more input is desired.
Joan Pine offered to give us a workshop on outreach and welcoming newcomers (to take about 2 hours). Kelly offered to help schedule this as an Adult Religious Ed program. She will work with M&C on scheduling it.
Adult Religious Education. Cossy & Kelly have met to discuss programming for this year. Cossy presented a worship sharing on Simplicity last week. They plan to have Adult RE on each first First Day of the month. They are also working on organizing a bereavement study group.
Children's Religious Education. All are invited to come to Judy's this afternoon at 4:00 to discuss what kind of children's programming to have this year. The committee is working on a fun winter event. The committee is hoping volunteers will step forward to help care for the children during worship.
Peace & Justice Committee. (See also the recommended donations discussion under Finance Committee above.) We sent out an announcement to support Shakir Hamoodi, as recommended by former ILYM Clerk David Finke. Kelly personally knows Mr. Hamoodi from when she lived in Columbia, MO.
PADS. This year we will provide dinners in November, March & May.
New Business. Each Monthly Meeting that subscribes to Friends Journal is given two free 6-month subscriptions to give to individuals. These have been given to Pam Timme & Ann Chase. Pam thanked the meeting for this gift.
Kelly & Rick have presented a letter requesting a clearness committee for marriage under the care of the meeting. We are very happy to learn of it, and gladly refered it to the Ministry & Care Committee.
We ended with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business, July 8, 2012
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Pam Timme, Burke Shipley, Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk)
Silent Worship
We reviewed the June minutes.
Quaker Practice in Action. Pam thanked the people of this Meeting for their help with Project Lakota at the table at ILYM, buying jewelry or cookies, or donating.
Finance Committee. Judy reported that the budget is expected to be presented in September. If you want a different budget for your committee or work, please contact Valerie. There is no report on the audit.
Ministry & Care Committee. Pam reported for the committee. She talked about some building issues. Adrian & Pam received assistance for worship sharing at ILYM. There are no action items.
Children's Religious Education Committee. The committee has not yet contacted Amanda to learn about her plans. After they do, they will organize the called meeting about what the program will look like next year. It is important for everybody, especially those with children, to attend this meeting. There are only two or three people on this committee at this time. Some suggestions were offered, which Pam will bring back to the committee.
She shared some information they have gathered about a possible canoe trip. Some suggestions were offered which she will take back to the Committee. They will make the decisions and provide information when they have organized it. Funds could come out of the committee's budget.
Adult Religious Education Committee. No report.
Peace & Justice Committee. No report.
Old Business. Pam wrote an article in the July OPFM Newsletter about attending ILYM.
We discussed the annual Evanston retreat, which will be at the Cabrini Retreat Center on 9/21-23.
New Business. Chicago South will be responsible next year for the F.U.N. (Friends Under Nineteen) program at ILYM. Volunteers will be solicited throughout the year for these tasks which include teaching the morning children's programs, craft tent, service project, and afternoon/evening recreation activities.
The next business meeting will be held on September 9th. We asked the Ministry & Care Committee to start to organize the Direction of the Meeting meeting.
These minutes were approved.
We ended with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk
Meeting for worship with concern for business, June 10, 2012
Attending: Helen Dickinson (Clerk), Judy Erickson (Recording Clerk), Wil Rutt, Pam Timme
Silent worship
Reviewed May Minutes. Ksander was misspelled; the May Minutes will be corrected. Wil noted that the FCNL minute is not included with the May Minutes; he will send it to Judy to add to them.
Quaker Practice in Action. Pam thanks Helen and Wil for helping Pam with her Project Lakota display for ILYM. Pam also thanks Candy Boyd (St. Louis MM) for all she does for Project Lakota. We thank Geoffrey Plank for his contribution to Quaker history with the recent publication of his extensive biography of John Woolman.
Finance Committee/Treasurer. No Report.
Ministry & Care Committee. In Committee they discussed getting leaders for worship sharing sessions at ILYM. We discussed looking at other possible places to rent. The business meeting asks members of Ministry & Care to contact people in our Meeting community to visit any possible location and report back.
Children's Religious Education Committee. Amanda is moving to the Hyde Park neighborhood and plans to become more involved with 57th St MM. She will not be attending OPFM regularly. Amanda has been asked to suggest a young person to share her work or replace her. We need to consider whether we want to continue with the current First Day School situation. We ask the committee to organize a special meeting to invite all interested members of our extended community to discuss and recommend a plan for next year. Judy offered to host it on her front porch.
The Committee asks approval to buy books for the three children who attended First Day School regularly this year, and possibly to host an end-of-year potluck children's celebration. We approved, for either the past year's unspent budget or the current year budget.
The Committee is looking at organizing a canoe trip.
Adult Religious Education Committee. No report. We discussed the May Minutes about "Afterthoughts." We wonder whether it would be helpful to hand out cards with the guidelines. No clearness was reached.
Peace & Justice Committee. Wil reported on the Day In Our Village, including the high numbers of signatures on the two petitions. There was a lot of positive interactions with interested community members. We thanked Wil for organizing our booth and for attending all day. He recommends doing this again next year. In her garage Helen has the canopy, the banner, and all the supplies such as brochures.
New Business. We need more worship sharing leaders for Saturday at ILYM. We decided to hold a business meeting on July 8, 2012, but no business meeting in August.
These Minutes were approved.
Silent worship
Respectfully submitted by Judy Erickson, Recording Clerk