MAY 12, 2013
Meeting attendance has been lower this year. We have welcomed several visitors
who have become regular attendees. Our employee whom we hired 2 years ago to
jumpstart our children's program has resigned for personal reasons. With few
children attending, we made materials available in the meeting room on most First
Days, and planned a First Day School program for the third First Day of each
The Ministry & Care Committee has been growing spiritually as they care for
members and attendees facing personal challenges, losses of family members, and
life transitions. We have been assisted in this by both our new ILYM Field
Secretary, Judy Wolicki, and our Ministry & Advancement Visitor, Joan Pine. We
are taking a new marriage under our care.
The Adult Religious Education program has been robust this year, holding sessions
every month. Two larger workshops that were well attended, with visitors from
other meetings, were on "Grieving" and "Welcoming Newcomers."
MAY 12, 2013
Meeting attendance has been lower this year. We have welcomed several visitors
who have become regular attendees. Our employee whom we hired 2 years ago to
jumpstart our children's program has resigned for personal reasons. With few
children attending, we made materials available in the meeting room on most First
Days, and planned a First Day School program for the third First Day of each
The Ministry & Care Committee has been growing spiritually as they care for
members and attendees facing personal challenges, losses of family members, and
life transitions. We have been assisted in this by both our new ILYM Field
Secretary, Judy Wolicki, and our Ministry & Advancement Visitor, Joan Pine. We
are taking a new marriage under our care.
The Adult Religious Education program has been robust this year, holding sessions
every month. Two larger workshops that were well attended, with visitors from
other meetings, were on "Grieving" and "Welcoming Newcomers."