Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
May 17, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Rosalind Larsen Patricia McMillen Helen Dickinson Donna Cech
Marti Matthews Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action: The meeting thought of Wil Rutt’s travel in Iran, and his remark that “He never met a more friendly group of people.”
Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee’s list of appointments for 2009-2010 was read by Rosalind. There was some discussion of the role and membership of the Oversight Committee, which was tabled to a later meeting. Rosalind reported comments that were received from her focus group survey about potlucks. A position of Hospitality Coordinator was proposed in lieu of monthly potlucks; further discussion was tabled to the next business meeting.
Oversight Committee. For various reasons, those present agreed the next business meeting ought to be in July (skipping June and August). This decision was postponed until later in this meeting.
Peace and Justice Committee. Peace and Justice reported there were no actionable items this month. The June 7 “Day in our Village” preparations were continuing.
Religious Education. Adult religious education will continue with the study of Early Quakers in the fall with Judy Erickson as Committee Chair. The planned Threshing Session on children’s religious education will be held at
7:30 p.m. May 27 at Valerie Lester’s home. Patricia has written up some queries, all are welcome to attend.
Treasurer’s Report. Does the meeting usually give a end-of-year gift(s) for the child care worker(s)? This was not known, Rosalind will ask about precedents. The treasurer’s report was examined. The meeting will ask the treasurer to clarify the net-to-reserve item in the May budget report.
Old Business. The State of the Society report was amended and approved.
Thatcher Woods Garden Project. Patricia reported that the garden plot has been dug over. Three Friends from Downers Grove Meeting joined a total of 14 people who showed up with shovels. Patricia will notify the members and attenders of when the next phases are scheduled, which will be (1) putting up protective fencing and (2) the planting.
New Business
The meeting determined to postpone June’s Meeting for Business, unless the Treasurer needs a short meeting to approve the new fiscal year’s budget.
The PADs e-mail request for summer assistance at the transitional shelter could not be answered without further clarification.
The Meeting is considering Patricia’s request, asking our group to be a fair trade congregation regarding items used for refreshments. Donna will take this information to Peace and Justice for seasoning.
The Meeting thanks all transitioning committee chairs and those who served in leadership positions.
The Meeting closed with silent worship. Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
April 19, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Wil Rutt Patricia McMillen Helen Dickinson Donna Cech
George McCoy Pam Timme Judy Erickson Valerie Lester
Rosalind Larsen Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action. Patricia thought of the environmental committee working yesterday to improve the McNabb Meeting House.
The March minutes were approved as printed.
Oversight Committee
Rosalind reported for both the Nominating and Oversight Committees. She shared with the group a preliminary, as yet incomplete list of persons who had volunteered to serve in leadership roles during the coming year. Several functions still open include building facilitator, religious education for children/teens and potluck coordinator. She also reported that Adrian Fisher declined to write this year’s State of the Society report.
A number of suggestions were made in regard to vacancies; the Nominating Committee will take these under advisement. The issue of having “co-clerks” also was delegated back to the Nominating Committee.
The Oversight Committee was asked to take up the issue of conflict resolution among Friends.
Peace & Justice Committee
The committee declined to participate in the Umbrella Project during the Memorial Day Parade.
Peace & Justice is coordinating our booth for A Day in Our Village on June 7. At our booth, volunteers will show visitors how to make origami cranes.
Kelly Maynard and Jim Holmes have been working on a banner for the Day in Our Village as well.
The proposed banner will contain six languages, two of which are identified with faith groups other than Christianity. The languages are: English, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew and Chinese. Some concerns were expressed about potential audience reception of these languages. The issue was referred back to Peace & Justice for seasoning. Patricia and Rosalind will attend the next Peace & Justice committee meeting.
Religious Education
No report from Adult Religious Education.
Children’s Religious Education
The children’s tree-planting project is coming to fruition. A redbud tree has been ordered, which will be planted in Fox Park in the 600 block of South Oak Park Avenue. No installation date has been set yet.
A threshing session for children’s education has been set for Wed., May 27 at 7:30 p.m. It is open to all who are interested in attending. No decisions have been made yet about next year’s program.
There is some uncertainty about having a multi-generational worship on May 31 because there is no confirmation yet that any children will attend on that day.
Pam reported that fundraising for the Lakota project was not working out with youth schedules, and asked if the Meeting would donate in their name during this building season. A $150 donation was approved on behalf of the Meeting. The youth may try to do the soup/sandwich fundraising another time.
Treasurer’s Report
Valerie reported that, as of this date, we were $133 over what we had budgeted for the year. She asked whether the Meeting would like to renew its subscription to Friends Journal, and this was approved. She also requested and received approval to voluntarily increase our Community of Congregations annual assessment from $50 to $100.
Donna asked if Quaker Earthcare witness could be applied to for a $250 grant toward Trailside garden supplies. The Meeting would match this amount with a donation. Nine mature plants worth approximately $65 were received from Good Earth Greenhouse through Adrian.
As the next second Sunday was Mother’s Day, the next Business Meeting will occur on May 17.
The meeting closed with silent worship. Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
March 8, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Wil Rutt Sue Bennett Helen Dickinson Donna Cech
George McCoy Pam Timme Judy Erickson Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action. Pam was thinking of the work and witness of a Non-Quaker person of peace: Greg Mortensen, the author of Three Cups of Tea. Mortensen had been on the minds of several of those present, due to his work building schools for Afghan and Pakistani children and the increase in hostilities in that region.
The February minutes were reviewed and corrected.
Nominating Committee. Wil reported that by the April business meeting they hope to have a list of recommendations for various leadership positions next year. Members/attenders should let Rosalind or Wil know if they are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone for specific functions.
Wil will send the current list of Meeting positions to all with the calendar e-mail.
Judy asked if the Nominating Committee would come up with a recommendation for term limits. There was some discussion of the Meeting’s records management; we will wait to act on this until ILYM makes a determination on this subject.
There was no report from the Oversight Committee.
Peace & Justice Committee.
The committee met as usual the fourth Sunday of February. The “War Is Not the Answer” banner is being planned. Five languages were selected for this. The committee sponsored a letter-writing campaign to representatives to encourage our government’s opening communications with Iran.
The Food pantry drive is ongoing, as February and March are Feinstein challenge months. A labeled bin has been provided.
Recycling program members are encouraged to bring batteries and light bulbs to meeting for green disposal. Donna and Denise will work together on the electronic equipment recycling effort. Denise will contact Adrian to find out what Triton has in a recycling program.
Religious Education
Pam Timme reported that the children have a fund-raising plan. They will sell soup, cornbread and sandwiches to benefit the Lakota Project. Friends approve children doing this project.
There was no Treasurer’s Report.
Old Business
Wil reported that the Health Care Reform presentation with Ida Hellender will take less than an hour.
Donna reported on the status of the Trailside Museum garden program. It was decided to break ground on May 9, 2009. Seedlings may need to be transplanted by the children on that date also.
The Meeting approves sending a press release with photos about the Trailside efforts after the program is completed. Wil suggested doing a poster about Trailside efforts and putting it up at ILYM.
Hosting an MCGM Event:
Judy consulted with the Oversight Committee and Helen, our MCGM rep, about this issue since the February Business Meeting. Judy called Jeanette Baker and told her we could not pull everything together by the May time frame. She asked if we should then host MCGM in February of 2010? The meeting approved doing this.
Donna reported that the List of volunteer community projects for members/attenders was still in process.
We have been asked for comments on business meeting practices by the ILYM Continuing Committee. They are working on a new, updated handbook for meetings. No action was taken; Helen
Helen will obtain some clarification the meeting requested.
New Business
We have been asked to participate with the Lamb Umbrellas for Peace in the River Forest Memorial Day Parade. Umbrella decorating will be done Saturday, May 23, and the parade is Monday, May 25 at 11:30 a.m. This possibility was delegated to the Peace & Justice Committee for a decision.
The above Minutes were read back and approved. The meeting closed with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
February 8, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Helen Dickinson Rosalind Larsen Patricia McMillen Pam Timme
George McCoy Valerie Lester Sue Beckmann Paul Buckley
Joan Pine Michael Pine Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action: The Meeting thought of President Obama’s inauguration speech; Helen especially took note when he mentioned “a nation of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Muslims and unbelievers.
Oversight Committee
The Committee met February 1; Pam sent Elinor Fallert a birthday card and will send her a Valentine as well. Tom Dix has requested visitation during his illness. Newer attenders have stepped forward to take care of refreshments, cleanup, and other needs. These are much appreciated. Deborah Sparland has repaired the meeting sign and will do a new, engraved version; Valerie will offer to reimburse her for this.
The list of leadership positions was read and discussed; the position of Trailside Museum Steering Committee Coordinator was added. Wil Rutt, Rosalind and Donna Cech will constitute the Nominating Committee this year.
The First Day School multigenerational program will take place March 29; Patricia, Pam and Rosalind are working on the program. Following the March 29 meeting, we will have a program on health care reform co-led by Ida Hellender and Wil Rutt.
Wil and Helen worked together to merge the directory of Oak Park Friends Meeting Members and attenders, using visitor’s names in the sign-in book, and the email list-serve in an attempt to identify all those who wish to receive regular communication related to the Meeting.
Friends successfully served a PADS meal on January 30, 2009 to 48 participants.
Jeanette Baker requested that Oak Park Meeting host the February 6, 2010 Metropolitan Chicago General Meeting (MCGM). Oversight approved the request and Judy will ask Helen to coordinate the program.
Trailside Museum Program
Four Friends participated in the Forest Preserve project training on seed germination in anticipation of gardening activities on a plot of land in the Forest Preserve. This project was instigated as a way to decrease runoff into the Des Plaines River by fully planting an 18’ X 8’ plot next to the Trailside Museum on Thatcher Avenue in River Forest.
Sara Rose of Trailside suggested to Patricia that May 17 would be a good time to do a transplanting workshop here with us. There was some consideration of this, as May 17 would be a potluck event Sunday. Patricia will further season this idea with the Trailside Steering Committee.
Peace & Justice Committee. No verbal report was given. (Their written report was not available to this recorder.)
Children’s Religious Education. The committee met January 27. Teachers are scheduled through April, 2009. Wil did a water resources lesson in January. Pam is working with the children on Project Lakota service effort.
Adult Ed. Someone has volunteered to take over the Early Quakers’ lessons each first First Day, in lieu of Tom Dix’s illness.
Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported that, for the month of January, the Meeting spent $692 more than it took in. Budget activity continues to proceed at the same rate as last year. While the new bookmarks were budgeted, the next report will indicate they were received as a donation in kind.
New Business
Helen relayed that MCGM’s Jeanette Baker asked us if we could decide today whether we would host an MCGM meeting and program on Saturday, May 2, 2009. Helen and Patricia would be able to participate on organizing this event; Valerie will contact the ILYM youth leader to see if they could offer any assistance. It was considered possible that OPFM could do the program if we could find a location; (the Art League was not available on that date.) It was mentioned that the River Forest Community Center at Madison and Thatcher could be attractive to middle and upper grade school children, and that Quaker Earth Care Witness people in this area could be tapped to assist with a morning dig at Trailside while the MCGM Business meeting was going on.
Oak Park Friends will respond to MCGM after next Sunday’s Meeting; if a location could be reserved, we would ask another meeting to handle the food service.
Announcements: Wil emailed that on Feb 22 Lois Platt would be showing a film for Black History Month at her home. Donna Cech and Jim Holmes have volunteered for the February potluck.
It was decided that the gift for Tom Dix will be held until after his surgery. Denise & Sue Beckmann will get a container together for Oak Park Food Pantry donations.
The above Minutes were read back and approved. The meeting closed with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
January 11, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Helen Dickinson Rosalind Larsen Patricia McMillen Pam Timme
George McCoy Judy Erickson Valerie Lester Donna Cech
Denise Jacob
Silent worship. Queries for the month of January were read.
Quaker Practice in Action: The Meeting thought of how the Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM) Peace Resources Committee has started a Quaker blog site.
Oversight Committee. The Committee met January 4. While Elinor Fallert is not receiving visitors at this time, cards and messages may be sent through the attention of her caretaker, Elizabeth Liptay. The Project Lakota fundraising effort was approved. Helen is updating the Meeting directory.
Peace and Justice Committee. The Committee met December 28 and reflected on their activities. Production of the “War is not the answer” banner will move forward once the requested permissions are obtained. The legislative priorities of Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) were discussed; it was determined that most of our priorities were incorporated in their mission. A steering committee was formed.
Trailside Museum Garden Project. Everyone is invited to the seed-starting workshop at 1 p.m. on January 25 at the Trailside Museum, but registration is limited; those planning to attend must register at 708-366-6530. Trailside is located at Chicago and Thatcher avenues in River Forest. There will be a $2 fee per person. This event could overlap with the Ida Hellender speech, also January 25at 2 p.m. Patricia added that, for seed planting, we need little clear containers such as those obtained from the deli. The containers should have no labels on top so light can get through. People are encouraged to bring containers to meeting on January 25.
A menu or table of volunteer activities for Meeting members and attenders is being formatted.
Religious Education
Young People. The next meeting will be January 27 at Patricia’s. The Committee still needs to locate some teachers. The video of Rosa Park’s story will be shown at Val’s potluck.
Adult People. The second of Tom Dix’s seven programs on early Quakers was very successful. Helen reported that the spiritual support group is closed until after March 22, 2009.
Treasurers Report. Valerie reported our December, 2008 income was $3,046; December expenditures were $615. Year-to-date expenses were $7,119, with expenditures of $8,140. Treasurer reported that she has made all contributions that the Meeting has approved. There is a total of $13,558 in various reserve funds.
Old Business
Ida Hellender will split time with Wil Rutt at the March 29 event. She will speak 15 minutes on comprehensive health care, he will discuss single-payer plans for 15 minutes. They will allow 45 minutes for questions.
Thursday, January 15 will be the annual meeting of the Community of Congregations. They are working to fill a slate of delegates for their Board of Directors.
Helen reported that MCGM should have had a recent standing committee meeting, but it was canceled. Lake Forest Monthly Meeting will have the MCGM program on February 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Helen will try to find out the topic of this meeting and send an announcement to Wil.
New Business
The Oak Park Art League has a new security system – the door must be closed in order to punch the code and exit. A new key will be copied for those needing them.
There was some discussion of the monthly potluck event. The Meeting acknowledges Valerie’s outstanding offer of open house at her home every month, and thanks Donna for her work toward potlucks as well. The Oversight Committee will season this issue further.
Announcements: Jan 30th will be one of our PADs dinner evenings.
The above Minutes were read back and approved. The meeting closed with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
May 17, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Rosalind Larsen Patricia McMillen Helen Dickinson Donna Cech
Marti Matthews Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action: The meeting thought of Wil Rutt’s travel in Iran, and his remark that “He never met a more friendly group of people.”
Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee’s list of appointments for 2009-2010 was read by Rosalind. There was some discussion of the role and membership of the Oversight Committee, which was tabled to a later meeting. Rosalind reported comments that were received from her focus group survey about potlucks. A position of Hospitality Coordinator was proposed in lieu of monthly potlucks; further discussion was tabled to the next business meeting.
Oversight Committee. For various reasons, those present agreed the next business meeting ought to be in July (skipping June and August). This decision was postponed until later in this meeting.
Peace and Justice Committee. Peace and Justice reported there were no actionable items this month. The June 7 “Day in our Village” preparations were continuing.
Religious Education. Adult religious education will continue with the study of Early Quakers in the fall with Judy Erickson as Committee Chair. The planned Threshing Session on children’s religious education will be held at
7:30 p.m. May 27 at Valerie Lester’s home. Patricia has written up some queries, all are welcome to attend.
Treasurer’s Report. Does the meeting usually give a end-of-year gift(s) for the child care worker(s)? This was not known, Rosalind will ask about precedents. The treasurer’s report was examined. The meeting will ask the treasurer to clarify the net-to-reserve item in the May budget report.
Old Business. The State of the Society report was amended and approved.
Thatcher Woods Garden Project. Patricia reported that the garden plot has been dug over. Three Friends from Downers Grove Meeting joined a total of 14 people who showed up with shovels. Patricia will notify the members and attenders of when the next phases are scheduled, which will be (1) putting up protective fencing and (2) the planting.
New Business
The meeting determined to postpone June’s Meeting for Business, unless the Treasurer needs a short meeting to approve the new fiscal year’s budget.
The PADs e-mail request for summer assistance at the transitional shelter could not be answered without further clarification.
The Meeting is considering Patricia’s request, asking our group to be a fair trade congregation regarding items used for refreshments. Donna will take this information to Peace and Justice for seasoning.
The Meeting thanks all transitioning committee chairs and those who served in leadership positions.
The Meeting closed with silent worship. Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
April 19, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Wil Rutt Patricia McMillen Helen Dickinson Donna Cech
George McCoy Pam Timme Judy Erickson Valerie Lester
Rosalind Larsen Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action. Patricia thought of the environmental committee working yesterday to improve the McNabb Meeting House.
The March minutes were approved as printed.
Oversight Committee
Rosalind reported for both the Nominating and Oversight Committees. She shared with the group a preliminary, as yet incomplete list of persons who had volunteered to serve in leadership roles during the coming year. Several functions still open include building facilitator, religious education for children/teens and potluck coordinator. She also reported that Adrian Fisher declined to write this year’s State of the Society report.
A number of suggestions were made in regard to vacancies; the Nominating Committee will take these under advisement. The issue of having “co-clerks” also was delegated back to the Nominating Committee.
The Oversight Committee was asked to take up the issue of conflict resolution among Friends.
Peace & Justice Committee
The committee declined to participate in the Umbrella Project during the Memorial Day Parade.
Peace & Justice is coordinating our booth for A Day in Our Village on June 7. At our booth, volunteers will show visitors how to make origami cranes.
Kelly Maynard and Jim Holmes have been working on a banner for the Day in Our Village as well.
The proposed banner will contain six languages, two of which are identified with faith groups other than Christianity. The languages are: English, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew and Chinese. Some concerns were expressed about potential audience reception of these languages. The issue was referred back to Peace & Justice for seasoning. Patricia and Rosalind will attend the next Peace & Justice committee meeting.
Religious Education
No report from Adult Religious Education.
Children’s Religious Education
The children’s tree-planting project is coming to fruition. A redbud tree has been ordered, which will be planted in Fox Park in the 600 block of South Oak Park Avenue. No installation date has been set yet.
A threshing session for children’s education has been set for Wed., May 27 at 7:30 p.m. It is open to all who are interested in attending. No decisions have been made yet about next year’s program.
There is some uncertainty about having a multi-generational worship on May 31 because there is no confirmation yet that any children will attend on that day.
Pam reported that fundraising for the Lakota project was not working out with youth schedules, and asked if the Meeting would donate in their name during this building season. A $150 donation was approved on behalf of the Meeting. The youth may try to do the soup/sandwich fundraising another time.
Treasurer’s Report
Valerie reported that, as of this date, we were $133 over what we had budgeted for the year. She asked whether the Meeting would like to renew its subscription to Friends Journal, and this was approved. She also requested and received approval to voluntarily increase our Community of Congregations annual assessment from $50 to $100.
Donna asked if Quaker Earthcare witness could be applied to for a $250 grant toward Trailside garden supplies. The Meeting would match this amount with a donation. Nine mature plants worth approximately $65 were received from Good Earth Greenhouse through Adrian.
As the next second Sunday was Mother’s Day, the next Business Meeting will occur on May 17.
The meeting closed with silent worship. Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
March 8, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Wil Rutt Sue Bennett Helen Dickinson Donna Cech
George McCoy Pam Timme Judy Erickson Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action. Pam was thinking of the work and witness of a Non-Quaker person of peace: Greg Mortensen, the author of Three Cups of Tea. Mortensen had been on the minds of several of those present, due to his work building schools for Afghan and Pakistani children and the increase in hostilities in that region.
The February minutes were reviewed and corrected.
Nominating Committee. Wil reported that by the April business meeting they hope to have a list of recommendations for various leadership positions next year. Members/attenders should let Rosalind or Wil know if they are interested in serving or would like to nominate someone for specific functions.
Wil will send the current list of Meeting positions to all with the calendar e-mail.
Judy asked if the Nominating Committee would come up with a recommendation for term limits. There was some discussion of the Meeting’s records management; we will wait to act on this until ILYM makes a determination on this subject.
There was no report from the Oversight Committee.
Peace & Justice Committee.
The committee met as usual the fourth Sunday of February. The “War Is Not the Answer” banner is being planned. Five languages were selected for this. The committee sponsored a letter-writing campaign to representatives to encourage our government’s opening communications with Iran.
The Food pantry drive is ongoing, as February and March are Feinstein challenge months. A labeled bin has been provided.
Recycling program members are encouraged to bring batteries and light bulbs to meeting for green disposal. Donna and Denise will work together on the electronic equipment recycling effort. Denise will contact Adrian to find out what Triton has in a recycling program.
Religious Education
Pam Timme reported that the children have a fund-raising plan. They will sell soup, cornbread and sandwiches to benefit the Lakota Project. Friends approve children doing this project.
There was no Treasurer’s Report.
Old Business
Wil reported that the Health Care Reform presentation with Ida Hellender will take less than an hour.
Donna reported on the status of the Trailside Museum garden program. It was decided to break ground on May 9, 2009. Seedlings may need to be transplanted by the children on that date also.
The Meeting approves sending a press release with photos about the Trailside efforts after the program is completed. Wil suggested doing a poster about Trailside efforts and putting it up at ILYM.
Hosting an MCGM Event:
Judy consulted with the Oversight Committee and Helen, our MCGM rep, about this issue since the February Business Meeting. Judy called Jeanette Baker and told her we could not pull everything together by the May time frame. She asked if we should then host MCGM in February of 2010? The meeting approved doing this.
Donna reported that the List of volunteer community projects for members/attenders was still in process.
We have been asked for comments on business meeting practices by the ILYM Continuing Committee. They are working on a new, updated handbook for meetings. No action was taken; Helen
Helen will obtain some clarification the meeting requested.
New Business
We have been asked to participate with the Lamb Umbrellas for Peace in the River Forest Memorial Day Parade. Umbrella decorating will be done Saturday, May 23, and the parade is Monday, May 25 at 11:30 a.m. This possibility was delegated to the Peace & Justice Committee for a decision.
The above Minutes were read back and approved. The meeting closed with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
February 8, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Helen Dickinson Rosalind Larsen Patricia McMillen Pam Timme
George McCoy Valerie Lester Sue Beckmann Paul Buckley
Joan Pine Michael Pine Denise Jacob
Silent worship.
Quaker Practice in Action: The Meeting thought of President Obama’s inauguration speech; Helen especially took note when he mentioned “a nation of Hindus, Christians, Jews, Muslims and unbelievers.
Oversight Committee
The Committee met February 1; Pam sent Elinor Fallert a birthday card and will send her a Valentine as well. Tom Dix has requested visitation during his illness. Newer attenders have stepped forward to take care of refreshments, cleanup, and other needs. These are much appreciated. Deborah Sparland has repaired the meeting sign and will do a new, engraved version; Valerie will offer to reimburse her for this.
The list of leadership positions was read and discussed; the position of Trailside Museum Steering Committee Coordinator was added. Wil Rutt, Rosalind and Donna Cech will constitute the Nominating Committee this year.
The First Day School multigenerational program will take place March 29; Patricia, Pam and Rosalind are working on the program. Following the March 29 meeting, we will have a program on health care reform co-led by Ida Hellender and Wil Rutt.
Wil and Helen worked together to merge the directory of Oak Park Friends Meeting Members and attenders, using visitor’s names in the sign-in book, and the email list-serve in an attempt to identify all those who wish to receive regular communication related to the Meeting.
Friends successfully served a PADS meal on January 30, 2009 to 48 participants.
Jeanette Baker requested that Oak Park Meeting host the February 6, 2010 Metropolitan Chicago General Meeting (MCGM). Oversight approved the request and Judy will ask Helen to coordinate the program.
Trailside Museum Program
Four Friends participated in the Forest Preserve project training on seed germination in anticipation of gardening activities on a plot of land in the Forest Preserve. This project was instigated as a way to decrease runoff into the Des Plaines River by fully planting an 18’ X 8’ plot next to the Trailside Museum on Thatcher Avenue in River Forest.
Sara Rose of Trailside suggested to Patricia that May 17 would be a good time to do a transplanting workshop here with us. There was some consideration of this, as May 17 would be a potluck event Sunday. Patricia will further season this idea with the Trailside Steering Committee.
Peace & Justice Committee. No verbal report was given. (Their written report was not available to this recorder.)
Children’s Religious Education. The committee met January 27. Teachers are scheduled through April, 2009. Wil did a water resources lesson in January. Pam is working with the children on Project Lakota service effort.
Adult Ed. Someone has volunteered to take over the Early Quakers’ lessons each first First Day, in lieu of Tom Dix’s illness.
Treasurers Report. The Treasurer reported that, for the month of January, the Meeting spent $692 more than it took in. Budget activity continues to proceed at the same rate as last year. While the new bookmarks were budgeted, the next report will indicate they were received as a donation in kind.
New Business
Helen relayed that MCGM’s Jeanette Baker asked us if we could decide today whether we would host an MCGM meeting and program on Saturday, May 2, 2009. Helen and Patricia would be able to participate on organizing this event; Valerie will contact the ILYM youth leader to see if they could offer any assistance. It was considered possible that OPFM could do the program if we could find a location; (the Art League was not available on that date.) It was mentioned that the River Forest Community Center at Madison and Thatcher could be attractive to middle and upper grade school children, and that Quaker Earth Care Witness people in this area could be tapped to assist with a morning dig at Trailside while the MCGM Business meeting was going on.
Oak Park Friends will respond to MCGM after next Sunday’s Meeting; if a location could be reserved, we would ask another meeting to handle the food service.
Announcements: Wil emailed that on Feb 22 Lois Platt would be showing a film for Black History Month at her home. Donna Cech and Jim Holmes have volunteered for the February potluck.
It was decided that the gift for Tom Dix will be held until after his surgery. Denise & Sue Beckmann will get a container together for Oak Park Food Pantry donations.
The above Minutes were read back and approved. The meeting closed with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business
January 11, 2009
Those in attendance were:
Helen Dickinson Rosalind Larsen Patricia McMillen Pam Timme
George McCoy Judy Erickson Valerie Lester Donna Cech
Denise Jacob
Silent worship. Queries for the month of January were read.
Quaker Practice in Action: The Meeting thought of how the Illinois Yearly Meeting (ILYM) Peace Resources Committee has started a Quaker blog site.
Oversight Committee. The Committee met January 4. While Elinor Fallert is not receiving visitors at this time, cards and messages may be sent through the attention of her caretaker, Elizabeth Liptay. The Project Lakota fundraising effort was approved. Helen is updating the Meeting directory.
Peace and Justice Committee. The Committee met December 28 and reflected on their activities. Production of the “War is not the answer” banner will move forward once the requested permissions are obtained. The legislative priorities of Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) were discussed; it was determined that most of our priorities were incorporated in their mission. A steering committee was formed.
Trailside Museum Garden Project. Everyone is invited to the seed-starting workshop at 1 p.m. on January 25 at the Trailside Museum, but registration is limited; those planning to attend must register at 708-366-6530. Trailside is located at Chicago and Thatcher avenues in River Forest. There will be a $2 fee per person. This event could overlap with the Ida Hellender speech, also January 25at 2 p.m. Patricia added that, for seed planting, we need little clear containers such as those obtained from the deli. The containers should have no labels on top so light can get through. People are encouraged to bring containers to meeting on January 25.
A menu or table of volunteer activities for Meeting members and attenders is being formatted.
Religious Education
Young People. The next meeting will be January 27 at Patricia’s. The Committee still needs to locate some teachers. The video of Rosa Park’s story will be shown at Val’s potluck.
Adult People. The second of Tom Dix’s seven programs on early Quakers was very successful. Helen reported that the spiritual support group is closed until after March 22, 2009.
Treasurers Report. Valerie reported our December, 2008 income was $3,046; December expenditures were $615. Year-to-date expenses were $7,119, with expenditures of $8,140. Treasurer reported that she has made all contributions that the Meeting has approved. There is a total of $13,558 in various reserve funds.
Old Business
Ida Hellender will split time with Wil Rutt at the March 29 event. She will speak 15 minutes on comprehensive health care, he will discuss single-payer plans for 15 minutes. They will allow 45 minutes for questions.
Thursday, January 15 will be the annual meeting of the Community of Congregations. They are working to fill a slate of delegates for their Board of Directors.
Helen reported that MCGM should have had a recent standing committee meeting, but it was canceled. Lake Forest Monthly Meeting will have the MCGM program on February 7, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Helen will try to find out the topic of this meeting and send an announcement to Wil.
New Business
The Oak Park Art League has a new security system – the door must be closed in order to punch the code and exit. A new key will be copied for those needing them.
There was some discussion of the monthly potluck event. The Meeting acknowledges Valerie’s outstanding offer of open house at her home every month, and thanks Donna for her work toward potlucks as well. The Oversight Committee will season this issue further.
Announcements: Jan 30th will be one of our PADs dinner evenings.
The above Minutes were read back and approved. The meeting closed with silent worship.
Respectfully submitted, Denise Jacob, Recording Clerk