Website Committee report, May 2011, by Judy Erickson
There are some lovely new Spring photos on the website, and the May OPFM Newsletter has been posted. Also added recently was information about the May 3R's Project book drives. Here are the latest stats (April 3 through May 2).
Page Views: From 33 to 160 per day
Unique Visitors: From 29 to 95 per day
Website Committee, 4/10/2011, by Judy Erickson
From 3/5 through 4/3/2011: Daily page views: from 23 to 220 per day. Unique visitors: from 22 to 70 per day
Thanks to Kelly Maynard, we now have listings of Fair Trade Chocolate and Fair Trade Tea resources, along with our Fair Trade Coffee listing ("We Support," "Fair Tade Congregations"). Also added to the home page are announcements about the Feinstein Challenge to benefit the OPRF Food Pantry, and the brochure and registration form for ILYM's Women’s Weekend. The Guantanamo Bay Statement is also now on the website ("About Us," "Peace & Justice Committee"). The beautiful April newsletter is now up on the site (viewable and downloadable), but is password protected. Please see Wil or me if you want the password.
March 2011: No report.
Website Committee Report, 2/20/2011, by Judy Erickson
Denise, Pam, and Judy are very glad to welcome Bob Southworth to this committee. All attended the meeting on Jan. 22.
We began by reviewing what has been done recently to the website, such as adding winter photos and a link to OPAL's new website on our "Where and When" page. We discussed "Fair Use" as it relates to excerpts from published works, and attributing the sources of such excerpts. We reviewed the criteria for using photographs, especially if they include children.
Then we discussed some things we would like to do. Denise was able to advise us on what we can do easily and what would take more time and effort. An interactive library feature, for example, may be doable but will take an unknown amount of time and effort.
We discussed problems related to photos, artwork, and complex formatting not showing up properly when people open the newsletters on their computers. These problems occur when people use different computer platforms and software programs from the ones with which the files were created. We decided to convert the newsletters to .pdf files before uploading them onto the website, to enable people to download them without losing any content.
We learned how to upload any type of document, even without converting it to a .pdf file. For example, we may upload .doc and excel spreadsheets just as they are, and they will become downloadable files on the website. However, they may not open properly unless people have compatible software on their computers.
We hope that these additional capabilities will enable us to use the website more effectively. In future newsletters, we plan to encourage increased use of our website.
There were 191 page views this month and 31-91 unique visitors per day.
Website Committee, 1/9/2011, Judy Erickson
We will meet on Saturday, Jan. 22 (time and place to be announced). Topics for discussion may include a review of what we have done and are doing. We will discuss what we might do differently and what might be useful in the future. Anyone who is interested is invited and encouraged to attend.
There were 26-108 daily hits this month, with 19-74 unique visitors per day.
Website Committee Report, 12/12/2010, Judy Erickson
Pam's beautiful newsletters are now available on the website. Because there are so many names throughout them they are password protected. If you don't have the password, please ask Judy for it. It's definitely worth the effort, with photos from ILYM and Rosalind's farewell party, poems, and much more.
There is a new and lovely winter photo on the home page.
There were 54 hits this month, with between 16 and 67 unique visitors per day.
Website Committee Report, Nov. 14, 2010, Judy Erickson
I have had many distractions during the past month so have been very tardy in keeping up with the website. Please send me an email reminder if you have requested a posting and it has not yet happened. Thanks for your patience.
Website Committee Report, 10/10/10, Judy Erickson
We continue to update the website as requested. There is now a subpage under Adult Education describing a spiritual support group, and one under the We Support page for the TTV fundraiser. Denise has replaced Spring photos with lovely Autumn photos. They are beautiful; well worth a visit to the website if you haven't looked at it recently.
Website Committee Report, Judy Erickson, Sept. 12, 2010
There have been several changes and additions to the website this summer. I redesigned the Minutes pages so that there is now one for each OPFM Committee that has given a report recently. I have also started inputting the library listings; there is now a listing by author name from A through J (including items with no author). We are thinking about adding "search" and "site map" features, and how to upload documents so they can be viewed on our site. Please give us any comments or suggestions for making our website more useful and attractive.
There were 1,026 "hits" on our website from Aug 9 through Sept 7.
Website Committee, 8/8/10, by Judy Erickson
We were asked to create a page for the Peace & Justice Committee, particularly to be able to post their upcoming agenda. We have also been asked to create password-protected pages for the Committee's Minutes of the past 12 months. Minutes over 12 months old are to be available to all. I have not yet received any Minutes over 12 months old. I was also asked to put the FCNL "Alerts" sticker on our website, but I am having trouble doing it and will consult with Denise about it.
I have also changed the child care/children's religious education listings to reflect our new programming schedule. When the CRE Committee gives me more information I'll be glad to post it.
Please continue to give me announcements, reports, etc. to put up on our website, and photos to Denise. Let me remind you that our policy is to not post first and last names, unless they are listed in a publicly available document. Do check our website occasionally; new events or pages are added nearly every week. For example, I'll be updating the Adult RE page frequently once the program starts up again in September. Thanks!
Website Committee, July 11, 2010, by Judy Erickson
We continue to perform updates as requested. There is now a page for the Peace & Justice Committee, and a protected area for recent P&J Minutes. There will also be open pages for archival P&J Minutes; please email any older Minutes to me and I'll put them up on the web. Also please note: I was sick during the last couple of weeks and am still catching up. If you expected to see an update but it is not yet there, please don't hesitate to give me a gentle reminder. Email works best for me. Thanks!
May 9, 2010: No report
Website Committee, April 11, 2010, by Judy Erickson
We continue to update the website as requested. Please send photos to Denise and send to me any textual information that I can cut & paste onto a page for any organization that we support, and any OPFM-related report/event that you would like added to the website.
Adrian Fisher has started an online blog called “Ecological Gardening: Practicing Reconciliation Ecology in the Chicago Wilderness Area.” Although it is not overtly Quaker or spiritual, would it be OK to add a link to it in our Green Pages section? Action: Link to Adrian’s blog will be added to green pages of website.
Our “privacy policy” is to not use first and last names in public areas of the website, but to use first names with just the initials of the last names. However, when we are including information that is publicly available, such as in a printed publication or another website, should we make an exception to this policy to use published names?
Action: If information will be publically available, it is approved that the full name can be published on the website.
March 14, 2010, WEBSITE COMMITTEE REPORT by Judy Erickson
We have not met since January 8th. However, we continue to process additions and updates. The navigational structure has changed in various ways, mostly to include subpages. There are now subpages for the About Us page (including Where & When, the calendar, Adult Ed, and Meeting History pages). The Green Page has two subpages: Recycling Resources and the Sustainable Herbaceous Garden Project. Subpages have been added for various organizations that we support, and a Fair Trade Coffee Resources subpage has been added to the Fair Trade Congregations subpage. There are also subpages by year for our Minutes.
Occasionally we put headers and highlights in different colors. We have created many links to other websites that could be helpful, such as links on the Recycling Resources subpage & links to organizations we support.
We have received several email messages through the "Contact Me" page on the website.
We welcome any feedback about the website. Please give your feedback to either Pam Timme or myself.
There are some lovely new Spring photos on the website, and the May OPFM Newsletter has been posted. Also added recently was information about the May 3R's Project book drives. Here are the latest stats (April 3 through May 2).
Page Views: From 33 to 160 per day
Unique Visitors: From 29 to 95 per day
Website Committee, 4/10/2011, by Judy Erickson
From 3/5 through 4/3/2011: Daily page views: from 23 to 220 per day. Unique visitors: from 22 to 70 per day
Thanks to Kelly Maynard, we now have listings of Fair Trade Chocolate and Fair Trade Tea resources, along with our Fair Trade Coffee listing ("We Support," "Fair Tade Congregations"). Also added to the home page are announcements about the Feinstein Challenge to benefit the OPRF Food Pantry, and the brochure and registration form for ILYM's Women’s Weekend. The Guantanamo Bay Statement is also now on the website ("About Us," "Peace & Justice Committee"). The beautiful April newsletter is now up on the site (viewable and downloadable), but is password protected. Please see Wil or me if you want the password.
March 2011: No report.
Website Committee Report, 2/20/2011, by Judy Erickson
Denise, Pam, and Judy are very glad to welcome Bob Southworth to this committee. All attended the meeting on Jan. 22.
We began by reviewing what has been done recently to the website, such as adding winter photos and a link to OPAL's new website on our "Where and When" page. We discussed "Fair Use" as it relates to excerpts from published works, and attributing the sources of such excerpts. We reviewed the criteria for using photographs, especially if they include children.
Then we discussed some things we would like to do. Denise was able to advise us on what we can do easily and what would take more time and effort. An interactive library feature, for example, may be doable but will take an unknown amount of time and effort.
We discussed problems related to photos, artwork, and complex formatting not showing up properly when people open the newsletters on their computers. These problems occur when people use different computer platforms and software programs from the ones with which the files were created. We decided to convert the newsletters to .pdf files before uploading them onto the website, to enable people to download them without losing any content.
We learned how to upload any type of document, even without converting it to a .pdf file. For example, we may upload .doc and excel spreadsheets just as they are, and they will become downloadable files on the website. However, they may not open properly unless people have compatible software on their computers.
We hope that these additional capabilities will enable us to use the website more effectively. In future newsletters, we plan to encourage increased use of our website.
There were 191 page views this month and 31-91 unique visitors per day.
Website Committee, 1/9/2011, Judy Erickson
We will meet on Saturday, Jan. 22 (time and place to be announced). Topics for discussion may include a review of what we have done and are doing. We will discuss what we might do differently and what might be useful in the future. Anyone who is interested is invited and encouraged to attend.
There were 26-108 daily hits this month, with 19-74 unique visitors per day.
Website Committee Report, 12/12/2010, Judy Erickson
Pam's beautiful newsletters are now available on the website. Because there are so many names throughout them they are password protected. If you don't have the password, please ask Judy for it. It's definitely worth the effort, with photos from ILYM and Rosalind's farewell party, poems, and much more.
There is a new and lovely winter photo on the home page.
There were 54 hits this month, with between 16 and 67 unique visitors per day.
Website Committee Report, Nov. 14, 2010, Judy Erickson
I have had many distractions during the past month so have been very tardy in keeping up with the website. Please send me an email reminder if you have requested a posting and it has not yet happened. Thanks for your patience.
Website Committee Report, 10/10/10, Judy Erickson
We continue to update the website as requested. There is now a subpage under Adult Education describing a spiritual support group, and one under the We Support page for the TTV fundraiser. Denise has replaced Spring photos with lovely Autumn photos. They are beautiful; well worth a visit to the website if you haven't looked at it recently.
Website Committee Report, Judy Erickson, Sept. 12, 2010
There have been several changes and additions to the website this summer. I redesigned the Minutes pages so that there is now one for each OPFM Committee that has given a report recently. I have also started inputting the library listings; there is now a listing by author name from A through J (including items with no author). We are thinking about adding "search" and "site map" features, and how to upload documents so they can be viewed on our site. Please give us any comments or suggestions for making our website more useful and attractive.
There were 1,026 "hits" on our website from Aug 9 through Sept 7.
Website Committee, 8/8/10, by Judy Erickson
We were asked to create a page for the Peace & Justice Committee, particularly to be able to post their upcoming agenda. We have also been asked to create password-protected pages for the Committee's Minutes of the past 12 months. Minutes over 12 months old are to be available to all. I have not yet received any Minutes over 12 months old. I was also asked to put the FCNL "Alerts" sticker on our website, but I am having trouble doing it and will consult with Denise about it.
I have also changed the child care/children's religious education listings to reflect our new programming schedule. When the CRE Committee gives me more information I'll be glad to post it.
Please continue to give me announcements, reports, etc. to put up on our website, and photos to Denise. Let me remind you that our policy is to not post first and last names, unless they are listed in a publicly available document. Do check our website occasionally; new events or pages are added nearly every week. For example, I'll be updating the Adult RE page frequently once the program starts up again in September. Thanks!
Website Committee, July 11, 2010, by Judy Erickson
We continue to perform updates as requested. There is now a page for the Peace & Justice Committee, and a protected area for recent P&J Minutes. There will also be open pages for archival P&J Minutes; please email any older Minutes to me and I'll put them up on the web. Also please note: I was sick during the last couple of weeks and am still catching up. If you expected to see an update but it is not yet there, please don't hesitate to give me a gentle reminder. Email works best for me. Thanks!
May 9, 2010: No report
Website Committee, April 11, 2010, by Judy Erickson
We continue to update the website as requested. Please send photos to Denise and send to me any textual information that I can cut & paste onto a page for any organization that we support, and any OPFM-related report/event that you would like added to the website.
Adrian Fisher has started an online blog called “Ecological Gardening: Practicing Reconciliation Ecology in the Chicago Wilderness Area.” Although it is not overtly Quaker or spiritual, would it be OK to add a link to it in our Green Pages section? Action: Link to Adrian’s blog will be added to green pages of website.
Our “privacy policy” is to not use first and last names in public areas of the website, but to use first names with just the initials of the last names. However, when we are including information that is publicly available, such as in a printed publication or another website, should we make an exception to this policy to use published names?
Action: If information will be publically available, it is approved that the full name can be published on the website.
March 14, 2010, WEBSITE COMMITTEE REPORT by Judy Erickson
We have not met since January 8th. However, we continue to process additions and updates. The navigational structure has changed in various ways, mostly to include subpages. There are now subpages for the About Us page (including Where & When, the calendar, Adult Ed, and Meeting History pages). The Green Page has two subpages: Recycling Resources and the Sustainable Herbaceous Garden Project. Subpages have been added for various organizations that we support, and a Fair Trade Coffee Resources subpage has been added to the Fair Trade Congregations subpage. There are also subpages by year for our Minutes.
Occasionally we put headers and highlights in different colors. We have created many links to other websites that could be helpful, such as links on the Recycling Resources subpage & links to organizations we support.
We have received several email messages through the "Contact Me" page on the website.
We welcome any feedback about the website. Please give your feedback to either Pam Timme or myself.