Ministry and Care Committee Minutes May 2, 2011, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
1) The M&C Committee discussed plans for the change-over in clerk and committee membership as of June. The committee members will be Ann Chase, Burke Shipley, Helen Dickinson and Pam Timme. Ann Chase will be the clerk of the meeting, but she will be out of town for the June through October meetings. Pam Timme has agreed to clerk the meeting in September and October. It had been suggested by the Nominating Committee that the M&C business could be handled by the Meeting as a whole at Meeting for Business, with ad hoc meeting of the M&C Committee if necessary. The M&C Committee felt, however, that it would be important to support the new clerk of the Meeting who will be starting in June, so it was decided that the M&C Committee will meet briefly at 9 am on the first First Day of June, July and August. If it is apparent that there are no pressing items to discuss, the meetings could be cancelled. The M&C Committee also felt that it would be beneficial if it had more members, and encourages Meeting members/attenders to consider becoming part of the committee. Burke has agreed to be the recording clerk for the committee; however, he will not be available in July. In addition to looking at committee membership and roles, Wil showed the committee a notebook of membership and attendance related items which he is completing and will turn over to the committee in June.
2) Wil Rutt presented a draft of the State of Society report. The committee was appreciative and felt that the report was very well done. Action Item: Wil Rutt will bring the State of Society report to the Meeting for Business for approval.
3) Wil expressed a desire to form a clearness committee to determine his and Dean Peerman’s future living arrangements.
4) The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Sunday, June 4, at 9:00 at the Art League. Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme.
Ministry and Care Committee Minutes April 4, 2011, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The committee discussed following up on the Direction of the Meeting gathering. Action Item: Pam will contact the person who may have the notes to that meeting.
• The committee discussed the issue of following up with members/attenders who had not been in contact with the Meeting for an extended period of time.
Action Item: M and C will develop a notebook listing all members and attendees. This book will be used in their monthly meeting to track and support these persons.
Proposed Action Item: M and C plan for following up with members and attendees who are no longer in contact:
a) Each person who provides an e-mail or snail mail address is placed on a list to receive the calendar and the newsletter
b) Each year in April, if the person has had no known contact their name will be read in the Meeting for Business. If no contact is noted in three years, their name will be removed. If a member, the Meeting for Business will be asked to approve discontinuation of membership.
• The committee discussed an article on clearness committees and how they may be of use to members/attenders. The committee noted that clearness committees are to be used for reasons that have to do with the testimonies (issues related to integrity, harmony, community, simplicity, equality) or with change of status such as marriage or requests for membership. The Committee also noted that anyone assembling a clearness committee should let the M and C Committee know that they are doing this.
• Action Item: M and C will state at the meeting for business that anyone assembling a clearness committee should inform the M and C Committee.
New Business
• A member inquired whether a person they knew could do a few hours of community service for the Meeting, such as organizing meeting history papers at the member’s home or gardening at the Trailside.
Action Item: This request will be brought to the business meeting.
The next meeting of the M&C Committee will be on Monday, May 2, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Care Committee Minutes, March 7, 2011, 7:30 PM, At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
• The committee discussed the Parker Palmer notes on clearness committees .
• Action Item: Pam will email a copy to Ann and Wil will submit an article about clearness committees to the newsletter.
• The committee discussed a letter Burke had written for the purpose of contacting attendees who had not been at Meeting for an extended period, and agreed to continue the discussion at the next meeting.
New Business
The committee discussed the Nominating Committee’s suggestions about the M&C Committee’s role.
• Action Item: Pam will contact the Nominating Committee for clarification.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, April 4, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
February 7, 2011, 7:30 PM, At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Judy Erickson, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The M&O Committee discussed a memorial reading in Elinor Fallert’s memory. Action Item: It was decided that Pam Timme would read Elinor’s biography toward the end of Meeting on February 6, 2011.
An prior attender who now lives out of state requested a clearness committee. Action Item: Wil Rutt will put this person in touch with the meeting nearest them.
The Committee noted that someone from OPFM is writing up the notes from the Direction of the Meeting gathering. The M&O Committee will wait until this is done before recommending any follow-up action.
Wil recommended that the newletter be distributed on the 1st of the month, with a submission deadline of the 25th of the prior month. Action Item: Pam will talk to Bob Southworth, the co-editor, and see if this is ok with him.
The Committee discussed the issue of having a policy on when to contact inactive members. Various resources were discussed. Action Item: This issue will be brought to the business meeting.
New Business
Burke Shipley brought a letter to the Committee about the abolition of the death penalty that he would like the Meeting to send to Governor Quinn. A copy of the letter is attached below. Action Item: The letter will be presented for discussion at the business meeting.
The Committee discussed the issue of whether or not to share our mailing list with other organizations, and proposed that people mark the mailing list with “yes”, “no”, or “Quaker organizations only." Action Item: The Committee will bring this recommendation to the business committee.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, March 7, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
The Honorable Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois
Office of the Governor 207 State House Springfield, IL 62706
Dear Governor Quinn,
The Oak Park Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) respectfully and prayerfully urges you to sign SB3539 abolishing the death penalty in Illinois. “Thou shalt not kill.” This injunction, the Meeting well understands, will not keep someone who would commit murder from doing so. Yet a government, whether a state or a nation, ought not to put forward laws allowing it to kill, in whoever’s name. There are those who have concluded that the whole process of condemning someone to death is simply too costly to sustain. The Meeting would have you act on what it considers more compelling reasons, as well.
A saying that formerly was used is relevant here: “better 100 guilty persons go free than one innocent one be put to death.” Human nature may be such that murder will occur, whether or not a state or nation has the death penalty. Human nature is also such so that judges and juries, despite all safeguards, will continue to condemn innocent persons to death. Not many, of course. Yet even one is too many. The arbitrary nature of the process that now exists – some murders deemed capital crimes, others, not, according to prosecutorial inclination – exposes a concomitant flaw in that process. It is, however, the near-certainty that an innocent person will be tried, convicted, and put to death that cries out for abolition.
The peoples of several nations and of 15 states in the U.S. have recognized these ethical, even religious, and other problems attendant on the death penalty and have thus abolished it. The Meeting again respectfully and prayerfully urges you to have Illinois join them.
Wil Rutt,
Oak Park Friends Meeting
720 Chicago Avenue,
Oak Park, Illinois 60303
January 3, 2011, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Judy Erickson, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) The M&O Committee reviewed the letter to the Meeting from the M&O Committee that Wil had written. The letter addresses various items including the Direction of the Meeting, children’s religious education, financial support of the Meeting, the Nominating Committee and the website. Wil hopes to send it out by 1/12/11.
Action Item: Wil will talk to Valerie (Finance Committee) to discuss revisions to the paragraph about financial support. Also, the paragraph about the Sufferings Fund was revised to read: “We also have a “Sufferings Fund” which was designed to alleviate the financial hardships caused by witnessing for Quaker principles as well as for severe unexpected financial emergencies. You should not hesitate to request confidential assistance from this fund in these circumstances. Any requests, etc.”
2) The committee discussed the Direction of the Meeting, which is scheduled for 1/30/11. The agenda will be: (a) Paul Buckley will speak (probably regarding spiritual growth), (b) lunch (pizza and salad), (c) Direction of the Meeting. Paul had sent Wil his ideas for a worship sharing on three queries: (1) the first query will point people to their decision that Quaker meeting was the right place for them to be on Sunday mornings, (2) the second at what has led them to remain with the meeting, (3) the third looks to the future. Next, Paul suggested that each worship sharing small group would give a short statement of what they would like to see the meeting do over the next year, followed by discussion by the whole group. The M&O Committee liked the basic idea but discussed additions and variations to it at length. The Committee thought that the summary statements by the groups should include information about all three queries, not just query #3 about the future. Also, Ann suggested that we try a technique she had seen used effectively, where each individual writes anonymously on index cards what has led them to remain with the Meeting. Paul could then read the cards.
Action Item: Wil will work further with Paul on these ideas.
3) The Committee noted that the location has changed for the “A Day of Spiritual Sustenance”, an opportunity that ILYM is offering for Friends from various meetings to gather to help nurture them, so that they do not get burnt out working on Meeting concerns. This will be held on 2/12/11 in Oak Park , and will be limited to 12 people. It will now be held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Oak Park. The committee discussed previously-raised ideas of Quaker information cards (to be posted in the library, etc.) and a Meeting bulletin board in the OPAL.
Action Item: These ideas will be worked on, and mock-ups will be made, as time permits.
New Business
1) The Committee discussed the possibility of a memorial of some type for Elinor Fallert.
Action Item: It was decided to have a memorial reading for Elinor Fallert during a Meeting for Worship, tentatively 1/23/11. Judy and Burke will work on writing the memorial reading, using a biography about Elinor written by Pam in 2006 as a starting point.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, February 7, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, December 2, 2010, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Adrian Fisher, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme, Carol Zimmerman
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
• The M&O Committee discussed the progress so far on the plan to work with the Finance Committee to explore a more formal approach to financial support
Action Item: Wil will meet with the Finance Committee to discuss what would be in the letter the Meeting is planning to send out regarding finances and contributions; then the M&O Committee will review the letter as well.
• The committee discussed previously-raised ideas of Quaker information cards (to be posted in the library, etc.) and a Meeting bulletin board in the OPAL
Action Item: These ideas will be worked on, and mock-ups will be made, as time permits.
• The committee discussed the Direction of the Meeting, which is scheduled for 1/30/11. The agenda will be: (a) Paul Buckley will speak (probably regarding spiritual growth), (b) lunch (pizza and salad), (c) Direction of the Meeting
New Business
• Adrian Fisher informed the committee that the ILYM Site Envisioning Committee is requesting feedback on what will happen at the 12 acres at McNabb. They want a document from each monthly meeting about this. They sent queries for this topic.
Action Item: It was decided to put these queries into the newsletter, and to discuss this issue after Meeting at the potluck on 1/16/11. Adrian will write up the report.
The Committee discussed “A Day of Spiritual Sustenance”, an opportunity that ILYM is offering for Friends from various meetings to gather to help nurture them, so that they do not get burnt out working on Meeting concerns. This will be held on 2/12/11 in Oak Park, and will be limited to 12 people.
Action Item: Wil will submit the following people who might wish to attend: Wil Rutt, Judy Erickson and Pam Timme. Wil will also contact Paul Buckley about the logistics of holding this event at the Lido Restaurant in Oak Park.
The Naming Committee will make a report at the December Meeting for Business.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, January 3, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, November 1, 2010, 7:30 PM At the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Ann Chase, Valerie Lester, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The M&O Committee had requested the Finance Committee to explore a more formal approach to financial support, including looking at ideas such as pledges, routine automatic deductions, and future goals. Valerie Lester attended the M&O Committee meeting in order to bring the Finance Committee’s response to the M&O Committee’s request. She reported that the Finance Committee felt that a campaign would be appropriate if it had clearly outlined and inspiring goals (not just the goal of meeting a budget gap). The Finance Committee proposed the following goals:
Support the children’s religious ed staff position initiated to increase family/children attendance
Focus on in-reach to enable our community to identify problems/conflicts, and to address them in a spirit-led way to build trust and nurture our spiritual development
Reinstate contributions to Quaker and community service groups
The Finance Committee also reported on the mechanics of direct deposit of contributions; this is possible if individuals initiate it from their own banks.
The M&O Committee thanked the Finance Committee for their insightful work. Wil suggested that individuals could pledge hours for various needed meeting activities as well as dollars. The M&O Committee felt that the in-reach goal was the one which should be worked on first, as building trust and nuturing our spiritual development is at the foundation of the Meeting.
Action Item: The M&O Committee decided to ask Paul Buckley to visit OPFM again to continue the Direction of the Meeting discussion. The Committee also discussed ways to make the Meeting aware of the above ideas.
2) The committee discussed notecards that OPFM used to send to visitors, or to members and attenders that didn’t attend meeting for an extended period of time
Action Item: Burke will begin to send notes out to visitors to the Meeting.
New Business
Pam reported on the Halloween trick-or-treat activity. The Meeting had a table in front of the Art League on Halloween, and distributed fair trade chocolate, and information on fair trade chocolate and on the Meeting. Wil Rutt provided the chocolate, Sue Beckman, Adrian Fisher, Valerie Lester and Pam Timme gave out the candy, and Amanda Sneed and Arushi, a first day school student, made decorations for the table.
Pam reported on outreach ideas previously discussed by Adrian and Pam which included cards to be posted with Quaker testimonies, and a bulletin board with Meeting information near the front door of the Art League.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Thursday, December 2, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, October 7, 2010, 7:30 PM, At the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) The committee continued its discussion about the Meeting’s finances.
Action Item: The committee decided to ask the Finance Committee to explore a more formal approach to financial support, including looking at ideas such as pledges, routine automatic deductions, and future goals.
2) The committee discussed notecards that OPFM used to send to visitors, or to members and attenders that didn’t attend meeting for an extended period of time
Action Item: Burke volunteered to write a sample note to send to visitors/former attenders, and to look over the attendance list to determine who to send them to.
3) The committee discussed the idea of a pancake breakfast combined with a sing-along to be held before meeting (9:00-9:45 a.m.), perhaps in place of a potluck.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, November 1, at 7:30 at the home of Pam Timme.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
M&O Committee Meeting, August 30, 2010, 7:30 PM, At the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Judy Erickson, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) The committee discussed notecards that OPFM used to send to visitors, or to members and attenders that didn’t attend meeting for an extended period of time. It was suggested that the greeter needs to check that they can read the visitor’s signatures and email addresses in the visitors book. Action Item: Burke volunteered to follow up with visitors and with members and attenders who have not been seen for awhile.
2) The Committee discussed the spiritual life of the meeting.
New Business
1) The Clerk of OPFM received an email from Jason Broaddus, a graduate student who stated he is part of the Salvation Army’s program, PROMISE (Partnership to Rescue our Minors from Sexual Exploitation) and Anne’s House in Oak Park which provides a safe environment for young women and girls. Jason requested help for them in the form of gift cards, tickets, educational tours, employment and training opportunities, etc. The Peace and Justice committee is also reviewing this request. Action Item: Wil will talk to Kelly Maynard, clerk of the Peace and Justice Committee about a possible response, but it is the opinion of the Ministry and Oversight Committee that we as a meeting do not have the resources to contribute as we are over-committed.
2) The Committee discussed the 2010 budget, and decided to lower the committee’s budget from $300 on the preliminary budget to $200. The committee discussed the shortfall in the 2010 budget which is affecting our charitable contributions and operating expenses. We discussed asking the Finance Committee to consider the possibility of giving more prospective information to members and attenders about the financial needs of the meeting. We will ask Val for a detailed listing of our Committee's past expenses, and we will track our budget this year by creating a log of our ongoing expenses.
The committee agreed that it will pay for a $75 advertisement in the Oak Park Housing Guidebook, which is given to all new residents of Oak Park, and also has a website.
The committee discussed the Spiritual Support Group and wanted to make sure anyone in the meeting who was interested in it had information about it. Action Item: Pam will contact Helen and ask her to send a report to Judy Erickson, clerk of the Adult Religious Education Committee. If Helen gives Judy a description of the Spiritual Support Group, Judy will put it on the website.
Laura Maddox, who answers the meeting’s phone messages, will be away from 9/6-17. She delivered the instructions with the code number to Judy. Wil offered to answer messages in her absence, so Judy will give him the instructions.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, October 4, at 7:30 at the home of Pam Timme.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, August 2, 2010, 7:30 PM, at the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Judy Erickson, Adrian Fisher, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
New Business
1) The Clerk of OPFM received a letter of resignation from Patricia McMillen, dated July 11, 2010. The M&O Committee discussed caringly and in depth what response it wished to recommend to the Meeting at the next Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business.
Action Item: The Committee recommends that OPFM accept Patricia’s resignation, and send the following letter:
Dear Patricia,
We have received your letter of July 11, 2010, resigning your membership from Oak Park Friends Meeting. Upon careful reflection, we have minuted an acceptance of your resignation.
We are cognizant of and appreciate your many contributions to the Meeting over the years. We wish you well on your spiritual journey. If in the future you feel so moved, we would welcome you to visit and worship with us.
In Peace,
Wil Rutt, Clerk
Oak Park Friends Meeting
2) The Committee discussed Joan Pine’s offer to contact OPFM members who have been absent for a while. Wil will talk to Joan, and the M&O Committee will discuss this further at the September meeting.
3) Wil noted that the visitor’s book does not have room for email addresses, and offered to provide forms that have more space.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, August 30, at 7:30 at the home of Pam Timme. (It will not be held September 6, because of Labor Day.)
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry & Oversight Committee Report to Business Meeting, May 9, 2010
A description of the new Children’s Religious Educator position was distributed. Friends are encouraged to post it in appropriate places in the community. Wil agreed to post it on the MCGM and ILYM listservs. Pam will post one at the River Forest Community Center. Judy has posted it on our website. The newly formed Children’s Religious Education Committee will select the individual from among the applicants.
It was decided to not participate this year in “A Day in Our Village” (June 6, 2010).
M&O meetings will change to the second Thursday before business meetings each month. There will be no business meeting in June so no M&O meeting in June. The next M&O meeting will be on July 1, which is the second Thursday before the next business meeting (on July 11).
Ministry & Oversight Committee Minutes, May 3, 2010, 7:30 pm at the home of Rosalind Larsen
In attendance: Pam Timme, Wil Rutt, Rosalind Larsen and Judy Erickson
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) Wil volunteered to write a draft of the help wanted advertisement for the child religious educator.
2) Wil shared the progress of the Nominating Committee, to date.
New Business
The Committee discussed the Meeting's possible participation in Day in Our Village. It was decided that we would not participate due to lack of volunteers.
There will not be a June meeting of the Oversight Committee.
Submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, April 11, 2010, given by Pam Timme (entire report will be handed out at meeting)
Proposal: Religious Education, Children pre K-12th grade, Oak Park Friends Meeting
Objective: To Rebuild the Religious Education Program for Children pre K-12th grade
Background: Oak Park Friends Meeting has had a progressive decline in the number of children and youth coming to meeting, from 7 or 8 to essentially 0. The long term strength of meetings is related to the strength of child care and religious education. A number of experienced Quakers state that a program must be in place to attract attendees. During the last six months at least eight persons in this age group have attended at least once. It is important to provide religious education to this age group. Some of this is done during meeting each week from 10:10-11:00 AM. Other opportunities may be available to children and youth and their parents during other times of the week.
Proposal: A children’s education coordinator be hired.
Preferred Skills: A Quaker or a person sympathetic to Quaker ideals. Some formal training in educational principles. Experience with child development. Experience with religious education in preK-12th grade group.
Job Title: Children’s Educator.
The educator will be present from 9:45-11:45AM at least 80% of the weeks. The children’s program is offered on the second floor of the building. The program will include coordinating with members of the Meeting, talking with parents, providing enjoyable activities for children and basic religious instruction. If very young children are present, the meeting has volunteers that can assist as needed. If she/he will not be present, they will be responsible to recruit a substitute volunteer from the meeting at least two weeks in advance. In the case of unforeseen illness or an emergency, a Meeting volunteer will be ask to step in on an emergency basis. As the program is developing, and children have not as yet begun to attend, time can be given to assembling teaching resources and preparing activities. This includes accessing materials on Quaker websites, organizing existing curriculum materials and identifying children’s social network opportunities. All resources must be approved by an ad hoc committee of the meeting before implementation. A payment of $100 will be made each month. This arrangement can be terminated by either party with 30 days written notice.
Action: Wording related to “ad hoc committee” for approval of all curriculum resources should be changed to a more permanent format such as a subcommittee of Ministry and Worship Committee. Also consideration should be given to performance review of the employee and who should perform that action. It is recommended that Children’s Religious Education Committee be reinstated if possible on this year’s nominating process. Recommended wording change to paragraph above to state: “All curricular resources must be approved by the Children’s Religious Education Committee, or by default the Ministry and Oversight Committee.” The recruitment and interview of candidates process has been discussed and members of the meeting have volunteered to complete this process, reporting the outcome to Ministry and Oversight Committee. Clarification needs to made as to if this person will be an employee of the meeting or an independent contractor. Issues related to liability insurance also need to be clarified. The meeting will seek clarification from the IRS website as to employee versus contractor status. The Meeting and Oversight committee agrees that they will pursue further clarification of job status and liability insurance and bring a recommendation to the meeting.
Action: Approved hiring a Children’s Educator for the OPFM.
On March 14, 2010: Ministry and Oversight Committee:
Findings of the Direction of the Meeting session; discussed input. The Ministry and Oversight committee encourages more opportunity for worship sharing. Ann Chase will work with the committee to develop worship sharing.
Child Care recommendation made – Hire routine child care provider/teacher to come every week. If children are not in attendance, the child care provider would work on curriculum materials. Members have volunteered to interview applicants for this position and to review curricular materials to support consistency with Quaker values.
Discussion of several components of the proposal included:
Payment method (hourly versus retainer)
Level of responsibility with the position
Concerns related to individual who is not a Quaker developing curriculum
Encourage hiring someone who has work experience with children and has understanding of mandatory reporting and other child care issues
It was encouraged that wishes of members with children be considered regarding child care versus religious education priorities. Clarification of this issue will assist in development of the job description and contract for the individual hired.
Sense of meeting not reflected and suggestion made to proceed with further seasoning of the proposal.
Clarity on compensation will improve once the job description is complete. Currently meeting does not have experience with worker’s compensation and withholding taxes; support would be needed to assist in learning these skills. Judy Erickson can possibly provide support in this area. As current advertising reflects availability of child care, it is important for meeting to resolve the child care issue at this time.
Recommendation: Ministry and Oversight further season proposal and bring it back to meeting.
The Ministry and Oversight Committee recommends that the ad in the Wednesday Journal be placed weekly rather than every 2 weeks. Thanks given to Penny Murad for supporting the ad for the past several years. At this time the meeting would assume the expense of the ad (which is $13.00/week). Discussion related to whether the Wednesday Journal is the most widely distributed local paper at this time. Oak Leaves and Tribune Oak Park weekly edition might be more favorable. The Wednesday Journal does post our information on their website.
Recommendation: Ministry and Oversight Committee consider these issues and further season this recommendation.
March 1, 2010, 7:30 PM At the home of Rosalind Larson.
In attendance: Pam Timme, Wil Rutt, Rosalind Larsen and Ann Chase
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The Committee reviewed the findings and ideas raised at the Direction of the Meeting on January 24th, as well as feedback from Paul Buckley, Illinois Field Secretary. There was discussion at the Direction of the Meeting regarding making OPFM more visible in the community and drawing more members, in particular young people. The M&O Committee felt that Paul had some important insights, including the following: “My sense is that the meeting avoids talking about what people believe, concentrating instead on shared activities. My feeling is that until people in the meeting feel safe to tell each other what is in their hearts, outreach will fail – you need “inreach” first.” The M&O Committee discussed ways to promote listening non-judgmentaly, and fostering diversity and acceptance of spiritual views. The Committee encourages more opportunities for worship sharing, as a starting point toward sharing views and spiritual growth.
The Committee discussed ideas for child care. The idea of hiring a routine child care provider/teacher was further developed to include the increasing the responsibilities of the child care provider to include developing a program of activities sympathetic to Quaker principles. This way, even if no children were in attendance on a given week, the child care provider could still be creatively and usefully occupied. Any children who attended would have the benefit of the same care giver on a routine basis.
New Business
Patricia McMillen emailed a suggested Meeting phone message that was longer and more informative than the current short message. The Committee approved the new message, and appreciates Patricia’s contribution.
The M&O Committee recommends having our ad published every week in the Wednesday Journal, rather than every other week.
The next Oversight Committee meeting is scheduled for April 5, 2010.
In attendance: Ann Chase, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
1) The M&C Committee discussed plans for the change-over in clerk and committee membership as of June. The committee members will be Ann Chase, Burke Shipley, Helen Dickinson and Pam Timme. Ann Chase will be the clerk of the meeting, but she will be out of town for the June through October meetings. Pam Timme has agreed to clerk the meeting in September and October. It had been suggested by the Nominating Committee that the M&C business could be handled by the Meeting as a whole at Meeting for Business, with ad hoc meeting of the M&C Committee if necessary. The M&C Committee felt, however, that it would be important to support the new clerk of the Meeting who will be starting in June, so it was decided that the M&C Committee will meet briefly at 9 am on the first First Day of June, July and August. If it is apparent that there are no pressing items to discuss, the meetings could be cancelled. The M&C Committee also felt that it would be beneficial if it had more members, and encourages Meeting members/attenders to consider becoming part of the committee. Burke has agreed to be the recording clerk for the committee; however, he will not be available in July. In addition to looking at committee membership and roles, Wil showed the committee a notebook of membership and attendance related items which he is completing and will turn over to the committee in June.
2) Wil Rutt presented a draft of the State of Society report. The committee was appreciative and felt that the report was very well done. Action Item: Wil Rutt will bring the State of Society report to the Meeting for Business for approval.
3) Wil expressed a desire to form a clearness committee to determine his and Dean Peerman’s future living arrangements.
4) The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Sunday, June 4, at 9:00 at the Art League. Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme.
Ministry and Care Committee Minutes April 4, 2011, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The committee discussed following up on the Direction of the Meeting gathering. Action Item: Pam will contact the person who may have the notes to that meeting.
• The committee discussed the issue of following up with members/attenders who had not been in contact with the Meeting for an extended period of time.
Action Item: M and C will develop a notebook listing all members and attendees. This book will be used in their monthly meeting to track and support these persons.
Proposed Action Item: M and C plan for following up with members and attendees who are no longer in contact:
a) Each person who provides an e-mail or snail mail address is placed on a list to receive the calendar and the newsletter
b) Each year in April, if the person has had no known contact their name will be read in the Meeting for Business. If no contact is noted in three years, their name will be removed. If a member, the Meeting for Business will be asked to approve discontinuation of membership.
• The committee discussed an article on clearness committees and how they may be of use to members/attenders. The committee noted that clearness committees are to be used for reasons that have to do with the testimonies (issues related to integrity, harmony, community, simplicity, equality) or with change of status such as marriage or requests for membership. The Committee also noted that anyone assembling a clearness committee should let the M and C Committee know that they are doing this.
• Action Item: M and C will state at the meeting for business that anyone assembling a clearness committee should inform the M and C Committee.
New Business
• A member inquired whether a person they knew could do a few hours of community service for the Meeting, such as organizing meeting history papers at the member’s home or gardening at the Trailside.
Action Item: This request will be brought to the business meeting.
The next meeting of the M&C Committee will be on Monday, May 2, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Care Committee Minutes, March 7, 2011, 7:30 PM, At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
• The committee discussed the Parker Palmer notes on clearness committees .
• Action Item: Pam will email a copy to Ann and Wil will submit an article about clearness committees to the newsletter.
• The committee discussed a letter Burke had written for the purpose of contacting attendees who had not been at Meeting for an extended period, and agreed to continue the discussion at the next meeting.
New Business
The committee discussed the Nominating Committee’s suggestions about the M&C Committee’s role.
• Action Item: Pam will contact the Nominating Committee for clarification.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, April 4, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
February 7, 2011, 7:30 PM, At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Judy Erickson, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The M&O Committee discussed a memorial reading in Elinor Fallert’s memory. Action Item: It was decided that Pam Timme would read Elinor’s biography toward the end of Meeting on February 6, 2011.
An prior attender who now lives out of state requested a clearness committee. Action Item: Wil Rutt will put this person in touch with the meeting nearest them.
The Committee noted that someone from OPFM is writing up the notes from the Direction of the Meeting gathering. The M&O Committee will wait until this is done before recommending any follow-up action.
Wil recommended that the newletter be distributed on the 1st of the month, with a submission deadline of the 25th of the prior month. Action Item: Pam will talk to Bob Southworth, the co-editor, and see if this is ok with him.
The Committee discussed the issue of having a policy on when to contact inactive members. Various resources were discussed. Action Item: This issue will be brought to the business meeting.
New Business
Burke Shipley brought a letter to the Committee about the abolition of the death penalty that he would like the Meeting to send to Governor Quinn. A copy of the letter is attached below. Action Item: The letter will be presented for discussion at the business meeting.
The Committee discussed the issue of whether or not to share our mailing list with other organizations, and proposed that people mark the mailing list with “yes”, “no”, or “Quaker organizations only." Action Item: The Committee will bring this recommendation to the business committee.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, March 7, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
The Honorable Pat Quinn, Governor of Illinois
Office of the Governor 207 State House Springfield, IL 62706
Dear Governor Quinn,
The Oak Park Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) respectfully and prayerfully urges you to sign SB3539 abolishing the death penalty in Illinois. “Thou shalt not kill.” This injunction, the Meeting well understands, will not keep someone who would commit murder from doing so. Yet a government, whether a state or a nation, ought not to put forward laws allowing it to kill, in whoever’s name. There are those who have concluded that the whole process of condemning someone to death is simply too costly to sustain. The Meeting would have you act on what it considers more compelling reasons, as well.
A saying that formerly was used is relevant here: “better 100 guilty persons go free than one innocent one be put to death.” Human nature may be such that murder will occur, whether or not a state or nation has the death penalty. Human nature is also such so that judges and juries, despite all safeguards, will continue to condemn innocent persons to death. Not many, of course. Yet even one is too many. The arbitrary nature of the process that now exists – some murders deemed capital crimes, others, not, according to prosecutorial inclination – exposes a concomitant flaw in that process. It is, however, the near-certainty that an innocent person will be tried, convicted, and put to death that cries out for abolition.
The peoples of several nations and of 15 states in the U.S. have recognized these ethical, even religious, and other problems attendant on the death penalty and have thus abolished it. The Meeting again respectfully and prayerfully urges you to have Illinois join them.
Wil Rutt,
Oak Park Friends Meeting
720 Chicago Avenue,
Oak Park, Illinois 60303
January 3, 2011, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Judy Erickson, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) The M&O Committee reviewed the letter to the Meeting from the M&O Committee that Wil had written. The letter addresses various items including the Direction of the Meeting, children’s religious education, financial support of the Meeting, the Nominating Committee and the website. Wil hopes to send it out by 1/12/11.
Action Item: Wil will talk to Valerie (Finance Committee) to discuss revisions to the paragraph about financial support. Also, the paragraph about the Sufferings Fund was revised to read: “We also have a “Sufferings Fund” which was designed to alleviate the financial hardships caused by witnessing for Quaker principles as well as for severe unexpected financial emergencies. You should not hesitate to request confidential assistance from this fund in these circumstances. Any requests, etc.”
2) The committee discussed the Direction of the Meeting, which is scheduled for 1/30/11. The agenda will be: (a) Paul Buckley will speak (probably regarding spiritual growth), (b) lunch (pizza and salad), (c) Direction of the Meeting. Paul had sent Wil his ideas for a worship sharing on three queries: (1) the first query will point people to their decision that Quaker meeting was the right place for them to be on Sunday mornings, (2) the second at what has led them to remain with the meeting, (3) the third looks to the future. Next, Paul suggested that each worship sharing small group would give a short statement of what they would like to see the meeting do over the next year, followed by discussion by the whole group. The M&O Committee liked the basic idea but discussed additions and variations to it at length. The Committee thought that the summary statements by the groups should include information about all three queries, not just query #3 about the future. Also, Ann suggested that we try a technique she had seen used effectively, where each individual writes anonymously on index cards what has led them to remain with the Meeting. Paul could then read the cards.
Action Item: Wil will work further with Paul on these ideas.
3) The Committee noted that the location has changed for the “A Day of Spiritual Sustenance”, an opportunity that ILYM is offering for Friends from various meetings to gather to help nurture them, so that they do not get burnt out working on Meeting concerns. This will be held on 2/12/11 in Oak Park , and will be limited to 12 people. It will now be held at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Oak Park. The committee discussed previously-raised ideas of Quaker information cards (to be posted in the library, etc.) and a Meeting bulletin board in the OPAL.
Action Item: These ideas will be worked on, and mock-ups will be made, as time permits.
New Business
1) The Committee discussed the possibility of a memorial of some type for Elinor Fallert.
Action Item: It was decided to have a memorial reading for Elinor Fallert during a Meeting for Worship, tentatively 1/23/11. Judy and Burke will work on writing the memorial reading, using a biography about Elinor written by Pam in 2006 as a starting point.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, February 7, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, December 2, 2010, 7:30 PM At the home of Ann Chase
In attendance: Ann Chase, Adrian Fisher, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme, Carol Zimmerman
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
• The M&O Committee discussed the progress so far on the plan to work with the Finance Committee to explore a more formal approach to financial support
Action Item: Wil will meet with the Finance Committee to discuss what would be in the letter the Meeting is planning to send out regarding finances and contributions; then the M&O Committee will review the letter as well.
• The committee discussed previously-raised ideas of Quaker information cards (to be posted in the library, etc.) and a Meeting bulletin board in the OPAL
Action Item: These ideas will be worked on, and mock-ups will be made, as time permits.
• The committee discussed the Direction of the Meeting, which is scheduled for 1/30/11. The agenda will be: (a) Paul Buckley will speak (probably regarding spiritual growth), (b) lunch (pizza and salad), (c) Direction of the Meeting
New Business
• Adrian Fisher informed the committee that the ILYM Site Envisioning Committee is requesting feedback on what will happen at the 12 acres at McNabb. They want a document from each monthly meeting about this. They sent queries for this topic.
Action Item: It was decided to put these queries into the newsletter, and to discuss this issue after Meeting at the potluck on 1/16/11. Adrian will write up the report.
The Committee discussed “A Day of Spiritual Sustenance”, an opportunity that ILYM is offering for Friends from various meetings to gather to help nurture them, so that they do not get burnt out working on Meeting concerns. This will be held on 2/12/11 in Oak Park, and will be limited to 12 people.
Action Item: Wil will submit the following people who might wish to attend: Wil Rutt, Judy Erickson and Pam Timme. Wil will also contact Paul Buckley about the logistics of holding this event at the Lido Restaurant in Oak Park.
The Naming Committee will make a report at the December Meeting for Business.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, January 3, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, November 1, 2010, 7:30 PM At the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Ann Chase, Valerie Lester, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The M&O Committee had requested the Finance Committee to explore a more formal approach to financial support, including looking at ideas such as pledges, routine automatic deductions, and future goals. Valerie Lester attended the M&O Committee meeting in order to bring the Finance Committee’s response to the M&O Committee’s request. She reported that the Finance Committee felt that a campaign would be appropriate if it had clearly outlined and inspiring goals (not just the goal of meeting a budget gap). The Finance Committee proposed the following goals:
Support the children’s religious ed staff position initiated to increase family/children attendance
Focus on in-reach to enable our community to identify problems/conflicts, and to address them in a spirit-led way to build trust and nurture our spiritual development
Reinstate contributions to Quaker and community service groups
The Finance Committee also reported on the mechanics of direct deposit of contributions; this is possible if individuals initiate it from their own banks.
The M&O Committee thanked the Finance Committee for their insightful work. Wil suggested that individuals could pledge hours for various needed meeting activities as well as dollars. The M&O Committee felt that the in-reach goal was the one which should be worked on first, as building trust and nuturing our spiritual development is at the foundation of the Meeting.
Action Item: The M&O Committee decided to ask Paul Buckley to visit OPFM again to continue the Direction of the Meeting discussion. The Committee also discussed ways to make the Meeting aware of the above ideas.
2) The committee discussed notecards that OPFM used to send to visitors, or to members and attenders that didn’t attend meeting for an extended period of time
Action Item: Burke will begin to send notes out to visitors to the Meeting.
New Business
Pam reported on the Halloween trick-or-treat activity. The Meeting had a table in front of the Art League on Halloween, and distributed fair trade chocolate, and information on fair trade chocolate and on the Meeting. Wil Rutt provided the chocolate, Sue Beckman, Adrian Fisher, Valerie Lester and Pam Timme gave out the candy, and Amanda Sneed and Arushi, a first day school student, made decorations for the table.
Pam reported on outreach ideas previously discussed by Adrian and Pam which included cards to be posted with Quaker testimonies, and a bulletin board with Meeting information near the front door of the Art League.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Thursday, December 2, at 7:30 at the home of Ann Chase.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, October 7, 2010, 7:30 PM, At the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) The committee continued its discussion about the Meeting’s finances.
Action Item: The committee decided to ask the Finance Committee to explore a more formal approach to financial support, including looking at ideas such as pledges, routine automatic deductions, and future goals.
2) The committee discussed notecards that OPFM used to send to visitors, or to members and attenders that didn’t attend meeting for an extended period of time
Action Item: Burke volunteered to write a sample note to send to visitors/former attenders, and to look over the attendance list to determine who to send them to.
3) The committee discussed the idea of a pancake breakfast combined with a sing-along to be held before meeting (9:00-9:45 a.m.), perhaps in place of a potluck.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, November 1, at 7:30 at the home of Pam Timme.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
M&O Committee Meeting, August 30, 2010, 7:30 PM, At the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Judy Erickson, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) The committee discussed notecards that OPFM used to send to visitors, or to members and attenders that didn’t attend meeting for an extended period of time. It was suggested that the greeter needs to check that they can read the visitor’s signatures and email addresses in the visitors book. Action Item: Burke volunteered to follow up with visitors and with members and attenders who have not been seen for awhile.
2) The Committee discussed the spiritual life of the meeting.
New Business
1) The Clerk of OPFM received an email from Jason Broaddus, a graduate student who stated he is part of the Salvation Army’s program, PROMISE (Partnership to Rescue our Minors from Sexual Exploitation) and Anne’s House in Oak Park which provides a safe environment for young women and girls. Jason requested help for them in the form of gift cards, tickets, educational tours, employment and training opportunities, etc. The Peace and Justice committee is also reviewing this request. Action Item: Wil will talk to Kelly Maynard, clerk of the Peace and Justice Committee about a possible response, but it is the opinion of the Ministry and Oversight Committee that we as a meeting do not have the resources to contribute as we are over-committed.
2) The Committee discussed the 2010 budget, and decided to lower the committee’s budget from $300 on the preliminary budget to $200. The committee discussed the shortfall in the 2010 budget which is affecting our charitable contributions and operating expenses. We discussed asking the Finance Committee to consider the possibility of giving more prospective information to members and attenders about the financial needs of the meeting. We will ask Val for a detailed listing of our Committee's past expenses, and we will track our budget this year by creating a log of our ongoing expenses.
The committee agreed that it will pay for a $75 advertisement in the Oak Park Housing Guidebook, which is given to all new residents of Oak Park, and also has a website.
The committee discussed the Spiritual Support Group and wanted to make sure anyone in the meeting who was interested in it had information about it. Action Item: Pam will contact Helen and ask her to send a report to Judy Erickson, clerk of the Adult Religious Education Committee. If Helen gives Judy a description of the Spiritual Support Group, Judy will put it on the website.
Laura Maddox, who answers the meeting’s phone messages, will be away from 9/6-17. She delivered the instructions with the code number to Judy. Wil offered to answer messages in her absence, so Judy will give him the instructions.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, October 4, at 7:30 at the home of Pam Timme.
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, August 2, 2010, 7:30 PM, at the home of Pamela Timme
In attendance: Judy Erickson, Adrian Fisher, Wil Rutt, Burke Shipley, Pam Timme
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
New Business
1) The Clerk of OPFM received a letter of resignation from Patricia McMillen, dated July 11, 2010. The M&O Committee discussed caringly and in depth what response it wished to recommend to the Meeting at the next Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business.
Action Item: The Committee recommends that OPFM accept Patricia’s resignation, and send the following letter:
Dear Patricia,
We have received your letter of July 11, 2010, resigning your membership from Oak Park Friends Meeting. Upon careful reflection, we have minuted an acceptance of your resignation.
We are cognizant of and appreciate your many contributions to the Meeting over the years. We wish you well on your spiritual journey. If in the future you feel so moved, we would welcome you to visit and worship with us.
In Peace,
Wil Rutt, Clerk
Oak Park Friends Meeting
2) The Committee discussed Joan Pine’s offer to contact OPFM members who have been absent for a while. Wil will talk to Joan, and the M&O Committee will discuss this further at the September meeting.
3) Wil noted that the visitor’s book does not have room for email addresses, and offered to provide forms that have more space.
The next meeting of the M&O Committee will be on Monday, August 30, at 7:30 at the home of Pam Timme. (It will not be held September 6, because of Labor Day.)
Respectfully submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry & Oversight Committee Report to Business Meeting, May 9, 2010
A description of the new Children’s Religious Educator position was distributed. Friends are encouraged to post it in appropriate places in the community. Wil agreed to post it on the MCGM and ILYM listservs. Pam will post one at the River Forest Community Center. Judy has posted it on our website. The newly formed Children’s Religious Education Committee will select the individual from among the applicants.
It was decided to not participate this year in “A Day in Our Village” (June 6, 2010).
M&O meetings will change to the second Thursday before business meetings each month. There will be no business meeting in June so no M&O meeting in June. The next M&O meeting will be on July 1, which is the second Thursday before the next business meeting (on July 11).
Ministry & Oversight Committee Minutes, May 3, 2010, 7:30 pm at the home of Rosalind Larsen
In attendance: Pam Timme, Wil Rutt, Rosalind Larsen and Judy Erickson
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
1) Wil volunteered to write a draft of the help wanted advertisement for the child religious educator.
2) Wil shared the progress of the Nominating Committee, to date.
New Business
The Committee discussed the Meeting's possible participation in Day in Our Village. It was decided that we would not participate due to lack of volunteers.
There will not be a June meeting of the Oversight Committee.
Submitted by Pamela Timme
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, April 11, 2010, given by Pam Timme (entire report will be handed out at meeting)
Proposal: Religious Education, Children pre K-12th grade, Oak Park Friends Meeting
Objective: To Rebuild the Religious Education Program for Children pre K-12th grade
Background: Oak Park Friends Meeting has had a progressive decline in the number of children and youth coming to meeting, from 7 or 8 to essentially 0. The long term strength of meetings is related to the strength of child care and religious education. A number of experienced Quakers state that a program must be in place to attract attendees. During the last six months at least eight persons in this age group have attended at least once. It is important to provide religious education to this age group. Some of this is done during meeting each week from 10:10-11:00 AM. Other opportunities may be available to children and youth and their parents during other times of the week.
Proposal: A children’s education coordinator be hired.
Preferred Skills: A Quaker or a person sympathetic to Quaker ideals. Some formal training in educational principles. Experience with child development. Experience with religious education in preK-12th grade group.
Job Title: Children’s Educator.
The educator will be present from 9:45-11:45AM at least 80% of the weeks. The children’s program is offered on the second floor of the building. The program will include coordinating with members of the Meeting, talking with parents, providing enjoyable activities for children and basic religious instruction. If very young children are present, the meeting has volunteers that can assist as needed. If she/he will not be present, they will be responsible to recruit a substitute volunteer from the meeting at least two weeks in advance. In the case of unforeseen illness or an emergency, a Meeting volunteer will be ask to step in on an emergency basis. As the program is developing, and children have not as yet begun to attend, time can be given to assembling teaching resources and preparing activities. This includes accessing materials on Quaker websites, organizing existing curriculum materials and identifying children’s social network opportunities. All resources must be approved by an ad hoc committee of the meeting before implementation. A payment of $100 will be made each month. This arrangement can be terminated by either party with 30 days written notice.
Action: Wording related to “ad hoc committee” for approval of all curriculum resources should be changed to a more permanent format such as a subcommittee of Ministry and Worship Committee. Also consideration should be given to performance review of the employee and who should perform that action. It is recommended that Children’s Religious Education Committee be reinstated if possible on this year’s nominating process. Recommended wording change to paragraph above to state: “All curricular resources must be approved by the Children’s Religious Education Committee, or by default the Ministry and Oversight Committee.” The recruitment and interview of candidates process has been discussed and members of the meeting have volunteered to complete this process, reporting the outcome to Ministry and Oversight Committee. Clarification needs to made as to if this person will be an employee of the meeting or an independent contractor. Issues related to liability insurance also need to be clarified. The meeting will seek clarification from the IRS website as to employee versus contractor status. The Meeting and Oversight committee agrees that they will pursue further clarification of job status and liability insurance and bring a recommendation to the meeting.
Action: Approved hiring a Children’s Educator for the OPFM.
On March 14, 2010: Ministry and Oversight Committee:
Findings of the Direction of the Meeting session; discussed input. The Ministry and Oversight committee encourages more opportunity for worship sharing. Ann Chase will work with the committee to develop worship sharing.
Child Care recommendation made – Hire routine child care provider/teacher to come every week. If children are not in attendance, the child care provider would work on curriculum materials. Members have volunteered to interview applicants for this position and to review curricular materials to support consistency with Quaker values.
Discussion of several components of the proposal included:
Payment method (hourly versus retainer)
Level of responsibility with the position
Concerns related to individual who is not a Quaker developing curriculum
Encourage hiring someone who has work experience with children and has understanding of mandatory reporting and other child care issues
It was encouraged that wishes of members with children be considered regarding child care versus religious education priorities. Clarification of this issue will assist in development of the job description and contract for the individual hired.
Sense of meeting not reflected and suggestion made to proceed with further seasoning of the proposal.
Clarity on compensation will improve once the job description is complete. Currently meeting does not have experience with worker’s compensation and withholding taxes; support would be needed to assist in learning these skills. Judy Erickson can possibly provide support in this area. As current advertising reflects availability of child care, it is important for meeting to resolve the child care issue at this time.
Recommendation: Ministry and Oversight further season proposal and bring it back to meeting.
The Ministry and Oversight Committee recommends that the ad in the Wednesday Journal be placed weekly rather than every 2 weeks. Thanks given to Penny Murad for supporting the ad for the past several years. At this time the meeting would assume the expense of the ad (which is $13.00/week). Discussion related to whether the Wednesday Journal is the most widely distributed local paper at this time. Oak Leaves and Tribune Oak Park weekly edition might be more favorable. The Wednesday Journal does post our information on their website.
Recommendation: Ministry and Oversight Committee consider these issues and further season this recommendation.
March 1, 2010, 7:30 PM At the home of Rosalind Larson.
In attendance: Pam Timme, Wil Rutt, Rosalind Larsen and Ann Chase
The meeting began with a moment of silence.
Old Business
The Committee reviewed the findings and ideas raised at the Direction of the Meeting on January 24th, as well as feedback from Paul Buckley, Illinois Field Secretary. There was discussion at the Direction of the Meeting regarding making OPFM more visible in the community and drawing more members, in particular young people. The M&O Committee felt that Paul had some important insights, including the following: “My sense is that the meeting avoids talking about what people believe, concentrating instead on shared activities. My feeling is that until people in the meeting feel safe to tell each other what is in their hearts, outreach will fail – you need “inreach” first.” The M&O Committee discussed ways to promote listening non-judgmentaly, and fostering diversity and acceptance of spiritual views. The Committee encourages more opportunities for worship sharing, as a starting point toward sharing views and spiritual growth.
The Committee discussed ideas for child care. The idea of hiring a routine child care provider/teacher was further developed to include the increasing the responsibilities of the child care provider to include developing a program of activities sympathetic to Quaker principles. This way, even if no children were in attendance on a given week, the child care provider could still be creatively and usefully occupied. Any children who attended would have the benefit of the same care giver on a routine basis.
New Business
Patricia McMillen emailed a suggested Meeting phone message that was longer and more informative than the current short message. The Committee approved the new message, and appreciates Patricia’s contribution.
The M&O Committee recommends having our ad published every week in the Wednesday Journal, rather than every other week.
The next Oversight Committee meeting is scheduled for April 5, 2010.